Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room... Part XXV

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXV...

King's Landing...The Compound...Terran Central Offices and HQ of the United Terra 21st Interstellar Development Corps, Westeros-Essos...

The rather Spartan office of Chairman Kach...

Said Kach, in chair facing his guests across his desk, the General and the Senator...

"Any word since Aegon went North with Lannister...?" Kach eyed them.

"Their train seemed on schedule...They transfer to car at the rail head." The General noted, perhaps a bit annoyed at Kach's presumption both in calling the meeting so abruptly and in expecting his presence so unquestioningly. As he were merely another of the Kachs' countless flunkeys and lickspittles. Though an annoyance undetectable in his professionally courteous manner.

The Senator, rather more confident in his own status, content enough...And curious, as was the General, to hear the latest...Relaxed in his own chair.

"No, not a peep from the boy. But he's no doubt enjoying a day away from the burdens and all that..." the Senator smiled. "As for the little feller, he's surely leaving it to the King for now to handle communications. We can check in with him if need be in good time."

"Good enough...General, I suppose you're wonderin' why I'm wastin' your valuable time..." the small, gimlet-eyed Kach smiled at the General. "But I do have some info for you, what you've been waitin' for. Word's come. We've had a successful test up North in the research zone."

"Indeed?" The General, calmly. "And the test met our expectations?"

"And more..." Kach nodded.

"Sounds good." The Senator beamed. "The Mother redeemed at last. And the Destroyers whipped for once and all. The Galaxy open to us again to use as God and we see fit."

"Only a test, Melvin..." Kach put up a hand. "But they survived and performed as we'd hoped."

"Good, good..." nod. "Well, General?" The Senator turned to him. "Ready to believe in all this, now?"

"I've never doubted this world had its share of wonders..." the General, quietly. "I've just wondered if we might be throwing away all other potential benefits, including a unique population with some rather unusual abilities that could, with a little care, be merged with us in a few centuries, perhaps even beyond colonial to partner status."

"We've taken enough humanoid aliens on, General. Before and even after the Destroyers." The Senator shook head. "Our Humanity needs to be purified not further diluted. The Mother will stand for no less, praise her. We've given these creatures a view of a better life. The ones who can adapt to be useful have a future under us. The rest..." he shrugged. "Humanity is what matters, General. Humanity and the Mother."

"The UN may see it differently, Senator."

"The UN will do as the Congress and its President tell them." The Senator, calmly. "We've played by the rules but the folks know what's at stake. Even the most liberal of alien-huggers among them won't err on the wrong side again. Don't worry about the political side of things, General. Leave that to the Chairman and me. You've enough on your plate."

"Speaking of mothers..." Kach, grimly now. "That bitch Wellsome has to be dealt with..."

"I understood we wanted that situation handled strictly by the locals...If possible." the General regarded him.

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