Game of Thrones: "Back to the Throne Room": Part XXXVII...

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXVII...

The Builders' Keep living quarters, outside the bedchamber where Hanuk lay, paralyzed and swathed in blankets, her face barely exposed. Several watchpersons summoned with Bledsa standing near as he and "Hanuk" conferred.

"We'll get word to the Commander that his sister is ill and staying with us." Bledsa noted. "Hatch can take you back home tomorrow. Calley will bring the doctor from the village soon."

"That's good, Master Knight. I feel so badly my lady took ill. It was my fault for pressing her to try to catch her brother." "Hanuk" noted solemnly.

"Lets to her and see how she fares..." Bledsa opened the door, urging his companion in. "Let me know the moment, Calley returns with the doctor." He addressed a wizened Watchman nearly as old as Calley, who nodded and headed off as Bledsa faced the two appointed as guards at the bedroom door. "Trance, you and Susl keep watch at this door. It's likely just some spoiled food passed off on us but we can't be sure Lady Arya wasn't targeted for poison by some old foe of the Starks or the Knights Commander. Keep alert, both." The middle-aged Trance, a stout but strong-looking man, a steward "promoted" by necessity to Builder and Susl, a rather comely but shy young woman...Her story must be interesting...And probably, horrifying...Arya thought briefly, under her anxious look as "Hanuk" as she approached the bed. Bledsa entering and closing door an instant later.

"Well?" he addressed "Hanuk" who was again examining the real Hanuk.

"She seems truly paralyzed, unresponsive. I think we can say it worked." "Hanuk" noted, taking seat.

"Can we trust your people not to examine or approach her?" she eyed him.

"They'll follow orders. Only the doctor will examine her." Bledsa nodded. "The girl begins well." He noted in Jaden's voice. "But this will not fool a Dirter's medical examination." He indicated her own form.

"It won't have to." "Hanuk" shook head. "If we can, we'll see she remembers nothing when we're done with her. If we can't, accidents and illness happen, even to Dirter agents."

"They would never believe she simply died."

"It won't be simple...And she'll disappear, not die." Cool tone, still in Hanuk's voice. "She's far too valuable to leave for them as a corpse, once we're sure she can't be located."

"The girl was sure..." Bledsa paused at "Hanuk's" look... "Pardon, Commander...The man takes old liberties."

"It's fine. I am sure, Bledsa. She had no sign of a tracking device from what we know of their technology from my monitoring while Pie and I lived with her. It's just we may not know all." "Hanuk" frowned.

"Than the risk is doubled. If she had a locator implanted...And you do not." Hard stare.

"I doubt they're likely to physically examine one of their own without cause if they do summon or contact me. And I don't think they're that subtle...Not with us. It was her mission to pass as one of us, she didn't need to be constantly tracked. Besides, why keep a cellular phone if she had some special device implanted?"

"Why keep such a clear Dirter device that could be found?" Bledsa posed the question she'd thought on many times.

"She could've explained it...She'd found it somewhere, it was a present from some Dirter she'd fed. They do occasionally give such presents. It wasn't anything most of us haven't seen."

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