Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room... Part XIV

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XIV...

"Well...I could use the help..." the light and friendly voice of the young "farm lady" Mistress Hanuk addressed "Mercedene"'s placid but sufficiently anxious...Arya hoped...Face. That of a pretty light brown-haired, green-eyed lady of clearly past wealthy breeding, near two inches taller than the long-missing Arya Stark, thanks to the training, praise the gods.

Rather prettier too, she felt. Narrower face with the cheeks just a bit less rounded and all.

Pie standing respectfully by, awaiting the outcome.

Sweet fellow to insist he preferred her in her natural...She repressed a smile his way.

Well, nothing wrong with a zone of personal happiness and content...Indeed the Brotherhood recommended such, for grounding. The Faceless had no use for selfless, miserable fanatics like the zealots who'd followed the bizarre Melisande and her Light Lord to the grave beside Lord Stannis.

No more efficient and useful an agent than one genuinely happy and content in their life, a solid citizen of wherever, with every apparent reason not to wish to indulge in anything radical or dangerous.

The red-haired Mistress Hanuk giving wan smile. "And I did see you are used to such work, my Lady Mercedene. You surprised me yesterday, I thought, to be honest, I would be rendering charity but you and your friend did the work of four men."

"Lazy men, I'd say, Mistress." Wry smile. "But I'm afraid there are many ex-Knights and soldiers about who've little taste for hard work these days." Arya shrugged.

"Well, if you'd stay...I'd gladly have you. I've little coin but food and a place to sleep...Perhaps some money when my husband returns if he's managed well." Friendly beam. "I rather hate being alone here, to be honest."

"It's we who'd be in your debt, ma'am." Arya nodded. "And I still have hopes of hearing news of my own husband if we can stay in one spot a few days. Pie here is clever about learning things from the local people."

"I pray you do, milady Mercedene. But I do fear I'm neither fit company nor my home a fit place for you, my lady." Hanuk, depreciative smile. "Is there no local lord yet living who'd take you into his home?"

"Our family were bannermen to the Starks of Winterfell." Arya, smoothly. "But all ours and friends about here are dead or driven off during the great war of the Five. I'd hoped we'd find friends at least living but no one as yet. Believe me, Mistress...We'll be quite content to stay if it pleases you. You'll have my lord husband's gratitude as well, if he yet lives."

"Well, at least we'll put you in the house, milady. That much I can do if you're to stay a while. Master Pie can bring your things to the great bedroom in back."

"You're too kind, ma'am." Arya shook head. "I've no wish to cast you from your own bedroom, the barn suits us well."

"At least the spare bedroom upstairs, please." Hanuk urged. "And Master Pie can have the one for visiting servants next to it. It's not fine but at least it's inside, and clean."

"That would be very fine, you're most kind, Mistress Hanuk." Arya nodded.

"Well, come to breakfast then, first...I'd been intending to call you when all was ready. We can move you later and then see what's most sensible to do in terms of work. Come, Master Pie. I've some good bread and cheese and porridge waiting." They following her closely as she turned and made for the kitchen, urging them along.

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