Game of Thrones-Back to The Throne Room...Part XXXI

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Game of Thrones Tales: Back to the Throne Room...

Summary: There's only one solution when Tyrion and Sansa have found the new King as mad as the Mad Targaryen and cynically evil, once on the throne, as Joffrey. So evil he's happily allowed the world to be invaded by unspeakably hideous creatures from some little planet out on the spiral rim of the Galaxy, to secure his reign of terror.

Part XXXI...

Storm's End Naval Base, Kingdom of Westeros...A rather bustling complex of older wooden and some newer dura-concrete docks, wood sheds and some "pre-fab" duraluminum structures, surrounding the old Baratheon castle and seafortress. The major naval base for the combined Westeros fleet of 157 currently active warships ranging from small caravel-style vessels to ten large masted vessels resembling eighteenth century Terran ships of the line with somewhat more effective and accurate cannon...

Though of course nothing that could match even the smallest Dirter vessel or aircraft.

Which fleet though still largely wind-powered, was now supplemented with a few small motor-powered boats, one of which was currently carrying the C-in-C of Westeros Naval Operations , Minister of the Navy and Assistant Minister for Sea Trade, Admiral Davos Seaworth, who was as much indulging in his favorite hobby as carrying out his duties in inspecting his beloved fleet, his aide, Captain Mikas Sand, a former commander in Stannis' old fleet, at his side as the small boat maneuvered among the various anchored ships.

"The Stalwart looks anything but..." the Admiral, a cloth of gold fabric bearing medals and insignia about his chest, over his own old favored uniform of the old fleet, noted a bit grimly, eyeing the said vessel, a medium-sized warship generally assigned to piracy patrol in the Shivering Sea.

"She's been at sea nearly three months, sir." Captain Sand noted, eyeing a computer pad, a gift of the Occupiers which Seaworth reluctantly allowed for efficiency's sake but was careful to keep restricted in use to maintenance and supply matters only.

"Her commander should have brought her in a month ago..." frown. "Send the Captain a note asking for a full explanation of why he's abusing my ships and crews."

"Do you want to...?" slightest of smiles.

"There's no need." The Admiral shook head. "And wipe that smirk off yer face, Mikas. I'll be seeing my son soon enough."

"Aye, sir."

"That's enough fun, I'm afraid. Lets in. I've the usual nonsense to get through and I believe the Hand wants my weekly to review while he's pissing off the Wall."

"Yes, sir. Head in, Morgena." Mikas ordered the sailor in red tunic at the wheel, a short, somewhat round woman, face a bit weather-beaten, a former pirate, one of the few female ones. She nodded and the boat turned for port.

"Be nice to head out again, to real sea...Sir." Mikas addressed the Admiral who regarded him.

"Aye...But we've our duty. And old men like us just get in the way." Smile.

"Beggin' the Admiral's pardon but he may speak for his broken-down old self..." Mikas smiled back.

"Careful, there, Cap't. I'll be busting ye down to a ship's commander and hauling yer ass out of yer soft chair."

"Gods make it so...What else must I do to win such disgrace? Sir?" attentive look, wry smile.

Reproving grin... "Don't think I'd be letting you off the hook so easy. If I must submit to this, I'll rejoice in makin' another suffer. Morgena, let us off at the near dock, I've business first at the old castle."

Game of Thrones Tales: The Ultimate Game:Book I-Back to the Throne RoomWhere stories live. Discover now