The weird day

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[Y/n POV]

My shift just got over and I was back to my apartment, checking through my phone, for any reminders or any notifications. 

My phone suddenly buzzed, showing me a message from V. 

[Tuesday 6:00pm]

V: Hey Y/n!! 

V: How was your day? 

Me: It was fine. 

V: Doesn't sound fine. 

Me: Alright it wasn't fine. 

V: Wanna talk about it?

Me: No

V: Did you cry today?

Me: How do you know that?

V: When my Hyungs cry, this is how they text. 

Me: They're lucky to have you 

V: I know right? :)

V: Why did you cry?

Me: Why do you care

V: I'm your friend, so I care. 

Me: No, you've a concert soon, and you need to be resting.

V: Wow, someone finally cares. 

Me: Shut up. 

V: Alright, don't cry anymore, if you do, I'll spam your chat until you stop.

Me: Fineeeee, Byeeee

V: Bye Y/n! 


Why am I smiling like an idiot again?

What is he doing to me?

I just shrugged it off, and went to make something for dinner, opening my fridge to see nothing but an apple. Oh, I forgot. I'm broke. 

I then thought of going to the store to get some groceries. Gathering up the money I could find, I went to a nearby grocery store. 


I was walking through the vegetable aisle, when I bumped into someone, making me fall. 


That hurt. 

"I'm so sorry Miss, are you okay?"

That voice, THAT HUSKY VOICE. 

I looked up to see the same man I saw today in the rooftop. 

"I'm fine. Mianhae."

"Oh Miss, I saw you today in the rooftop."

"Yes you did. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"No Miss, it's alright."

"Please don't call me Miss, I'm clearly younger than you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

"I don't intend on sharing my name with people. I'm sorry."

"Oh that's fine, I too don't like that."

I bowed, and turned to leave to the counter.

Paying for my groceries, I walked back to my house. 


Today's been quite a weird day. 


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