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Y/n's POV 


The one thing I was waiting for. 

Oh I know you're waiting for that too. 

I ran out of the building as soon as my working hours were over, jumping into Tao's car before propping my legs on the dashboard. 

That was something he hated. 

Something I loved haha. 

And I wanted to make fun of the tall idiot, so here we are. 

I heard the door open, to find an exhausted Tao, buckling up in his driver's seat. 

"Y/n. Put. Your. Legs. Down." he said, pushing them off the dashboard.

"Buzzkill" I mumbled.  

"So, ready for dinner?" he asked, looking at me before starting the car. 

I nodded really quickly, up down. up down. up down.

He chuckled, ruffling my hair before driving off to his apartment. 

I got off, making a beeline for his house, before opening it, heaving a sigh of relief as the warmth enveloped me. 

"Get in, lemme close the door." he said, pushing me out of the doorway. 

"Yah! Don't push!" I scolded, making him roll his eyes. 

"Buffalos are supposed to be pushed sweetheart." he said and I whapped him upside the head, earning a groan to satisfy my intentions. 

I went inside to the spare bedroom he had, wearing his lose shirt and shorts before sitting back on his couch, scrolling through the channels on his Tv. 

"What do you wanna eat? I'm too lazy to cook." he said, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion before sitting next to me. 

"I wanna have Pizza." I told him, snuggling into the cushions of the couch. 

"Order, I'll go get some movie for us to watch." he said, before tossing his phone into my hands and getting up, making me even more happy. 

I can order whatever I want. Whatever I want. Wow. 

I scrolled through the menu. 

Pepperoni Pizza. 

Farmhouse veg. 


Cottage cheese. 

A/n: I swear to god I'm drooling while writing this.

That's when his phone dinged with a message. 

Should I read it? 



He gave me his phone... why not snoop around? 

I clicked on the message, taking it to the app, making my eyes go wide with the Id. 

Hoseok 7:30pm. 

~Hey Hyung. Did you talk to Y/n? 

~I know she won't agree at first, but did you tell her?

~Don't leave me on read! 

~I thought we were going to help Taehyung! 


I can't believe this idiot. 

I got up, putting his phone into my pocket before I entered his room. 

"Tao?" I called out, earning a hum from the walk in closet he had. 

"Why do you have Hoseok's number?" I asked him, hoping he'd spill out the lie he's been holding. 

"Oh, he's my college batchmate, why?" he asked me and I sighed. 

"I should've known better." I said, before shoving his phone into his hands before going to the bedroom and closing the door. 

I've had enough of this. 

I didn't have any friends at all and when I did, they tried to help me by talking to the people I didn't like? 


Just great. 

I could feel warm tears flow down my cheeks as I sat down, leaning against the head board with my legs folded to my chest. 

I hated Taehyung. But I loved him too. 

My mind is playing games with me. 

Tao is lying to me. 

I can't bear being lied to again. 

"Y/n.. " I heard Tao call from the other side of the door. 

I didn't lock it. 

It wasn't my house. 

"What do you want?" I mumbled, and before I know it, I'm being whisked into one of his warm hugs. 

"Don't explain. I don't wanna hear it." I sniffled, knowing he'd explain even if I said no. 

"Hoseok wanted both of you to be happy. Taehyung misses you ya know?" he said, stroking my hair as he hugged me. 

"I don't care. Would you want to be with someone who broke your heart with harsh words?" I asked him and he smiled slightly. 

"I'd do anything to make the girl I love mine. But she's not mine. Her heart belongs to someone else." he said, looking somewhere into the corner of the house. 

"Who is she?" I mumbled into his chest and he chuckled. 

"Someone." he said, before he got up, looking at me with a sly smile on his face. 

"NO!" I shouted, as he took the pillow beside me and started hitting me with it, making me grin and grab a pillow too, pushing him off the bed once more. 

"I WIN!!! MWAHAHAH!!" I laughed, making him tackle me again, his fingers tickling me until I was out of breath. 

"Stop" I breathed out, getting up to answer the ringing doorbell. 

"Pizza's here!!!" he exclaimed, coming behind me and grabbing the box from me, making his way to the kitchen to open it. 

The best night ever. 

Spend it with your guy best friend. 

Your girl best friend will never give you this experience. 

Only lipstick and nail polish. 


Hey Peeps! 

Extra update cuz I love this book!!

Work is holding me up, but I'm managing. 

I might not update tomorrow if I'm busy, but who knows? If I'm in a good mood? 

Stay safe!! 

Have fun reading!!


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