Have you for myself

266 15 4

Y/n POV 

I got out of the shower, drying my hair before putting on a lose T-shirt and shorts and walking out. 

We came back right after staying over for lunch, and we decided on watching a movie and ordering in.

Taehyung was sitting on the couch, his focus on the Tv. 

"What're you watching?" I asked him, plopping myself on the couch beside him, but he didn't respond. 

It looked almost as if his focus was on something else. 

He looked at me, a sigh leaving his lips. 

"Y/n, can I ask you something?" he spoke and I nodded, confused.

"You're Shin Ryujin's daughter." he stated and I nodded. 

"Go on." 

"Why didn't you ever consider the music industry?" he asked me and I smiled. 

"The past few years have been like hell for me, and singing wasn't something that came into my mind at all." I told him, and he smiled. 

"Would you ever reconsider that now?" he asked, looking at me from the road. 

"I don't know Tae. Maybe. Maybe not." I told him and he frowned, before nodding. 

"Did you ever want to know where your mother is?" he asked and I froze in my spot, looking at my lap. 

"Taehyung I'm scared. What if she doesn't want me? What if she thinks I'm useless?" I say softly, making look at me. 

He got up, picking me up from the couch putting my on the island in my kitchen, his hands pinning me on the walls of the kitchen. 

His face was.. so close. 

"First of all," said his stern and husky voice, his warm, minty breath fanning my face.

"You're beautiful. So beautiful that even I'd like to have you for myself." he said, and I let out a shaky breath, his eyes scanning each and every inch of my face. 

The Tv was left unnoticed, as the bickering of the characters in the movie was heard in the background. 

But for me, it was pin-drop silence.

"Second of all." he paused, moving closer, if that was even possible. 

"You're. Not. Useless." he said, before leaning his forehead onto mine, looking at me with his round eyes. 

"Okay." I breathed, making him smile. 

"I'll try." I let out softly and he nodded, before letting go and walking to the bathroom, me leaving out a breath of relief. 

So beautiful that I'd like to have you for myself.


So.. umm. 


 That's all. 

Next update tomorrow. ^_^


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