The Job Offer

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Y/n's POV

It was a Sunday morning. I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up.

Ah, Taehyung.

I sat up, taking the phone from my hands, expecting a good morning from Tae. 

Instead, it was an email. 


Sender - Lu Han 

Subject: Job request - Accepted. 

Dear Y/n ssi, 

This is Mr. Lu from China. You're request for the job as my PA has been accepted. Your knowledge in business is more than acceptable in this field. The company is glad to know that you know Chinese too. Please revert back to this mail if you are applying. You will have to move to China for the job. Your apartment will be arranged by the company. 

This offer is open for two months only, so please revert back at your earliest.


CEO Lu Han, Lu Corp. 

I couldn't believe it. I got the job?!

I applied three days ago, and here it was. 

I was finally accepted. 

But I really don't wanna leave Jisoo Unnie, Taehyung, the members. 

I don't know if I should accept it. 

Two months. 

I have two months to think. 


I didn't hesitate this time. 

I opened my laptop, typing in a response to Mr. Lu. 

Sender - Lee Y/n. 

Subject - Job offer as the PA of Mr. Lu. 

Dear Mr. Lu, 

I am pleased to accept your offer. Thank you for the help with the apartment. I have booked the flight and will reach there at 8am CST, tomorrow. Please revert back as to where I should reach tomorrow. 

Best regards, 

Lee Y/n.

I took my clothes, quickly packing every thing into my suitcases, before I placed the photos of Jaehyun and me, the photos of me at the orphanage and the selfie of me and Taehyung. 

God I missed him. 

I packed up before quickly wearing a trench coat and walking out the apartment before locking it. 

I owned the apartment, and I didn't have to worry about people invading. 

I quickly drove to Jisoo Unnie's house before ringing the doorbell. 

She opened it, giving me a wide smile. 

"Y/n-ah!!!!" she said, before whisking me into her house. 

"Unnie!" I said, squeezing her into a hug. 

"I'm going today." I told her, and she nodded. 

She knew everything about Taehyung, and she thought it was the best decision for me to leave. 

"Will you be alright alone?" she asked, taking the keys of my house. 

"I'll be fine Unnie. You can go over to my house every weekend and use it. I don't want it to be dusty." I told her and she nodded understandingly. 

"I'll ask Ji Yoon to stay at your house when she comes in the weekends." she told me and I smiled. 

"Ask Unnie to have fun." I told her and she smiled, before hugging me tightly once more. 

"I'll miss you." she whispered into my neck and I nodded. 

"I promise to facetime you everyday." I told her and she chuckled. 

"Have fun little one. At least loosen up in China." she told me and I nodded, stepping out of her apartment and making my way to the cab. 

I asked the driver to take me to the Graveyard. 

I walked out, stepping out into the grass filled graveyard. 

I walked over to the one gravestone I never missed to visit on my way there. 

Park Hyung Sik. 

The person who was just like a brother to me. 

The only one who stood up for me at the orphanage. 

He used to visit me during high school. 

He had Brain Cancer from the very beginning and he passed. 

I still remember his last words to me at the hospital 

Y/n-ah, I hope you'll be alright without me. Don't miss me too much.

"Hyung Sik-ah. I'm going to China. You'll be okay without my company right? I'll come in a year, don't worry." I spoke, smiling as I placed a bouquet of roses on his grave. 

I walked further down, standing in front of Jaehyun's grave. 

"Jaehyun-ah. I'm not crying today. I know you wouldn't want me to cry. I'm leaving to China. I finally got a good job Jae. I'll visit you again next year on your birthday. Don't miss me too much." I spoke again, placing another bouquet on his stone, before bowing at both graves and walking out, getting in the cab and dashing off to the airport.  


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