Pushed away

300 19 2

Y/n POV 

I walked to Tao's room, anticipating the members' arrival. 

At least they weren't the kind to misunderstand me were they?

I could hear the chaos in the room already, making me chuckle. 

The little kids, oh how I missed their presence. 

I knocked once. 


The whole room went quiet. 

Tao opened the door, looking at me with a smile. 

"Come in." he spoke, ushering me inside with his hands on my shoulders. 

The guys were having a deep conversation with each other. 

"Did y'all miss me?" I asked smiling, looking at them.

All of them turned their heads towards me, their eyes widening, and the next thing I know, six men are whisking me into a group hug. 

"Y/n!! We missed you so much!!" I heard Namjoon exclaim, making me chuckle. 

"I'll track you down the next time you do that Noona." Jungkook stated angrily, and I chuckled. 

"Hey! I'm invisible aren't I?" Tao spoke from there, making Jin scoff. 

"This is exclusive for Y/n only." Yoongi spoke, glaring at him. 

"I can't breathe you guys!!" I spoke, making them chuckle and pull away. 

"I'll keep in touch okay? I need to go now." I spoke, before giving everyone a last hug and walking out, a sad smile stretching across my face. 


I missed him so much. 

So much. 

And I'm scared. 

Scared to face him alone. 

Scared that he'll yell at me again. 

I walked further, only to bump into someone, falling down on my butt with a thud. 

"Owww." I mumbled, getting up with the help of the person in front of me. 

"I'm sorry." I said, freezing when I met his brown eyes. 

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" he asked me and I stopped. 

When I met him in Luhan's office, I was doing nothing but shivering. 

My heart was lodged in my throat, and I tried so hard not to break down. 

"Stay away." I spoke, keeping a hand in front of me. 

"Stop all this. Stop this.. Whatever this is. Why are you avoiding me? Huh? I've been trying to talk to you for god knows how long. And you just keep annoying me?" he yelled, making me wince. 

He's yelling. 


"Stop yelling. Stop. I said stop." I snapped, making him shut up. 

"All you've been doing is yell at me. What is wrong with you Taehyung? Weren't you very caring?" I spoke, backing away from him. 

He looked up at me, tears filled in his eyes, making my chest tighten. 

"I'm sorry Y/n. I can't stay without you. I miss you so much." he said, walking forward and pulling me into a hug. 

I froze. 

Keeping my palms on his chest, I lightly pushed him away, tears filling my eyes. 

"You believed your ego when I protested. You lost my trust the moment you pushed me away." I spoke, walking away with tears flowing down my cheeks. 

I ran up to my office, closing it before sitting on the couch, sobbing. 

Nothing ever goes my way. 


All I've ever experienced is people pushing me away. 

First my mom and dad. 

Then the brother who never existed in my life. 

Then Jaehyun. 

Hyung Sik. 

And now? 


I can't handle another loss. 

The door lightly knocked, making me look up. 

"Who is it?" I mumbled, quickly wiping any traces of tears from my face. 

"It's Namjoon." I heard him speak, making me open the door. 

"Come in." I spoke, letting him in. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked, wiping the tears on my chin. 

I looked down, before nodding. 

I needed to tell someone. 

He sighed, sitting me down on the couch before sitting on the couch opposite to it. 

"Taehyung came to us crying, saying you left him again. What's wrong?" he asked me softly, his voice laced in concern. 

"All these years Namjoon, ever since I was born, I was pushed away. My dad, my mom, my non-existent brother, two of my only friends, and now Taehyung. I can't handle it. Not again. I wanna stay away from people for a while. I don't wanna make anyone valuable to me but after meeting you all, I couldn't help but envy the way you guys share your bond." I spoke, looking down. 

"Y/n-ah, don't say that. We all love you the same, you don't understand-" he spoke, making me annoyed. 

"What do you mean? Huh? I'm supposed to watch when I'm being pushed away from my loved ones? My mom put me in the orphanage, my dad left me when I was one, my best friend in high school left me, the only friend I had in the orphanage left me too. Now what am I supposed to do? Wait for Taehyung to leave me too? No. I'd rather be alone." I snapped, standing up and walking out of the room, only to see Taehyung standing there, his eyes on me. 

"And what were you doing? You wanna tell the whole world to pity me?" I snapped, walking away to my house. 

I needed a break. 

Away from everyone. 

Away from human life if possible. 

I went home, locking the door behind me and putting my phone on silent before turning on my laptop. 

And that whole day, I binge watched movies, crying at all the sad and happy scenes, eventually falling asleep on the bed. 


Hey guys!! 

How was this chapter? 

Yay or Nay?

I know I added a bit too much of drama, but this was required lol. 

Stay safe you guys! 

Vote and comment too, I love reading feedback! 


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