Well, shit.

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"Good morning." Taehyung spoke, kissing me on the cheek before getting up, pulling me out of bed. 

I smiled at my husband, before standing up, walking to the bathroom. 

This was our routine everyday, brush our teeth together, eat breakfast, and run to the company, but today? I felt like shit. 

My head was throbbing, and well, I wanted to pass out. 

"I'm not coming today, I feel sick." I mumbled and he looked at me with pure concern. 

"Are you sure you're fine?" he asked, putting the blanket over me and I nodded, before asking him to get ready and leave. 

Reluctantly, he walked out the house with his bag, and I rushed to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach in the toilet. 

Well, shit.

I washed my mouth, looking at myself in the mirror. 

My skin was unusually pale, my head was throbbing, and I felt dangerously sick. 

"Hey doc, can you come over for a check up?" I asked the company's usual doctor and she agreed, before hanging up. 

In exactly 5 minutes, she came over, and her smile dropped. 

"Oh dear, you look so pale." she said, sitting me down.

"I don't know. I vomited in the morning. I have this horrible headache, and I wanna pass out on the bed." I told her and a small smile reached her face. 

"Why're you smiling?" I asked her.

"Go on." she said and I sighed. 

"I wanna have pickles for some reason." I told her and she burst out laughing. 

"I'm guessing you'll be having hatred to something you love eating." she spoke and I nodded surprised. 

"Yeah, I hate the smell of cheese and fish." I told her and she chuckled. 

"I think you're pregnant." she said, and my jaw dropped. 

"Are you serious?" I asked her, jumping up and down in pure excitement. 

"I'll give you a test, I want you to check." she told me and I nodded, before seating myself down. 

"It's positive!" I squealed to my doctor and she chuckled. 

"Congrats. I must say, the members are gonna be so happy." she said and I nodded, giving her a wide smile. 

Time to surprise the boys. 

But how was I going to do this? 

Plan A: Taehyung.

I called Taehyung. 

"Taehyung?" I spoke and he hummed. 

"Can you come home as soon as possible? It's an emergency." I feigned panic, and he responded, "What's wrong Y/n?" he asked quickly, a few shuffling sounds were heard. 

"Come home. Now." I spoke, before hanging up, and I swear he would've been so scared. 

Exactly five minutes later, the door burst open and he ran to me, dropping hhis bag on the floor before holding me by the shoulders and looking me up and down. 

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked and I held back a smile. 

"I'm not okay." I said, looking down and he bent down to my height, before looking at me. 

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" he asked, lifting my chin. 

"Well, I'm not exactly sick.. " I said, fiddling with my fingers. 

"Then?" he asked softly, and I looked at him, before holding his shoulders. 

"Breaking news. I have news that I got from the doctor today." I told him, and his face creased with concern. 

"What did she say?" 

"She said, Kim Taehyung of Bangtan Sonyeondan, is going to be a father." I said, before breaking into a smile. 

His body stiffened, before he blinked. 

"Can you tell me I'm not hearing things?" he asked me and I shook my head. 

"There's a bun in the oven!" I told him and he chuckled.

"Please tell me this is not a joke." he said and I shook my head. 

"There's a mini Taehyung inside me!" I said, and he frowned. 

"Who knows? Maybe it's a mini Y/n!" he said, before hugging the life out of me. 

"I love you sooooo much." he breathed, spinning me around and I laughed. 

"I love you too my little 22nd. letter of the alphabet." I cooed, and he kneeled before me, before lifting my shirt up, his eyes on my little belly. 

"My little baby's in there." he cooed, running his finger on my belly. 

I giggled, ruffling his hair. 

"I'll take care of you so well." he spoke, kissing my fetus and I chuckled, before he stood up, kissing me. 

"You don't know how much I love you." he said, small tears making its way onto his face. 

 I nodded, tearing up too, our foreheads touching. 

"We're gonna be parents." he spoke and I chuckled. 


You had to expect this xD 

Either way, we'll be seeing the other characters' reactions! 

Lessgggooooo 1.1k!!!!!

Thank you!!!


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