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Taehyung POV 

I was sitting with Yoongi Hyung and Namjoon Hyung, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. 

"Taehyung-ah, we need to tell Jae-Jin." Yoongi Hyung spoke, making me groan. 

"Does she even remember who he is?" I asked them and they shrugged. 

"She was 9 Taehyung, she can't possibly forget that now, can she?" Namjoon Hyung spoke, making me nod. 

I pulled out my phone, before calling Jae-Jin Hyung. 

In a matter of seconds, the call was received. 

"Taehyung-ah, Annyeong." Jae-Jin spoke. 

"Hyung Annyeong. Where are you?" I asked him. 

"Taehyung-ah, I'm in Beijing for recording." he said, making me look at both my Hyungs. 

"Hyung I'm in Beijing for recording too, is there any chance we can meet?" I asked him and he hummed. 

"Sure, tomorrow's a Saturday, you can come over." he said, making me nod. 

"Thanks Hyung, send me the hotel, I'll be over tomorrow." I said before hanging up. 

"Shit Tae, you're gonna have to tell him everything properly." Namjoon Hyung spoke, making me laugh. 

"I'm nervous." I said, rubbing my temple. 

"You'll be fine Taehyung-ah." Yoongi Hyung said, making me smile. 

"Now the thing is, I need to answer him if he asks me about our relationship." I told them and they smiled. 

"Jae-Jin is very understanding like Y/n, no doubt. Don't worry." Namjoon Hyung said, putting a hand on my shoulder reassuringly, before they got up and went back to their hotel rooms. 

And before I knew it, I was falling asleep on my couch. 

I woke up to someone shaking me. 

"Ughhh Hyung, leave me alone." I said, slapping his hands away, only making him chuckle. 

"Do you wanna explain everything to JaeJin or not?" he asked, making me sit up. 

"Crap I forgot." I said, before checking my phone for his address. 

Only two minutes away. 

I took a quick shower before walking out of the hotel. 

I rang his doorbell, resulting in him to open up. 

"Hyung! How are you?" I said, giving him a hug to which he chuckled. 

"It's been so long Taehyung-ah, I'm doing good. Come inside." he said, ushering me inside. 

"So, what made you want to meet me?" he asked and I smiled. 

"I have both good news and bad news." I told him and he laughed. 

"Alright, good news first. Always." he said, before sitting in front of me. 

"Y/n." I told him, making his eye widen. 

"Go on." he said, clearing his throat. 

"I know where she is Hyung." I told him softly and he nodded. 

"Is she eating well? Is she doing good? Does she have enough money?" he asked me and I chuckled. 

"Hyung she's the coldest person on earth if you're not her friend." I told him and he frowned. 

"You know her?" he asked and I looked down, smiling. 

"Hyung she fell in love with me." I told him and he smiled. 

"I'm not stopping you Taehyung-ah." he said, making me frown. 

"The bad new is, I misunderstood her. Gravely. And now she's avoiding me." I told him and he nodded. 

"She hates it when people don't hear her out Taehyung-ah. And she doesn't hear them out in return. See what that's gotten me into." he said, gesturing to himself. 

"Hyung I thought she was taking advantage of me. And I told her I'd call the security." I told him and he rubbed his temple. 

"Now for that I'm gonna kill you." he said chuckling. 

"But she's not happy. Even before I became her friend, I used to see her crying on the rooftop. You don't know how much she's keeping, bottled up inside her." I told him and he sniffled, tears running down his cheeks now. 

He looked just like Y/n. 

"I regret not being there for her." he said, his voice cracking, before he pinched the bridge of his nose, choking on his tears. 

"Hyung.. everyone she's ever known has pushed her away." I told him and he looked up at me. 

"What do you mean?" he asked me, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand. 

"Her friend in college, jumped from their building. Her friend in her orphanage, died. You, left her. I, misunderstood her. She's really broken right now." I told him and he stared at me for a second. 

"Hyung Sik died?" he asked, tears building up in his eyes again, before he took a deep breath, shaking his head before looking at me again. 

"But Hyung, she sings so well. Just like you. Just like her mother." I told him and he smiled. 

"I saw her once last year in Seoul. She was walking with her best friend to some cafe." he told me and I nodded. 

"What if she wants to meet you?" I asked him and he shook his head. 

"Don't. I told you, she hates it when people don't let her speak. I did that mistake. I left without even telling her. And when I came back, she yelled, saying I wasn't meant to look after her. That I was irresponsible. You should've seen the anger in her eyes. I was 16 Taehyung." he told me before looking down. 

"Tell me once you decide. I'll get going now." I told him, standing up. 

"And you make up with her alright?" he asked, before giving me a hug and I walked out. 

Y/n, please forgive me. 


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