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That week went by fast for the both of them. 

Taehyung successfully managed to perform for army in Beijing, trying not to keep in mind that Y/n was not there to cheer for him. 

Y/n managed to start going to work and began to start loving her workspace. 

Her boss was kind, her PA was her best friend, and she was somewhere far from bad memories. 

Now the only thing they missed here was Fate. Fate wasn't giving them any luck. Not this time round at least. 

The two of them were back to their usual moping selves. 

Taehyung became distant all over again. 

Y/n became quiet, only bothering to go back to her normal self around Tao and her boss. 

They decided to do one thing. 

Move on. 

Move on from each other, until destiny finds a way to get them back together. 

Do they believe in this? 


Does Destiny believe in them?


But do they still have Hope? 


Hope is holding onto the two. 

And when I say that, I mean it. Literally. 



And that's where I give you the cliffhanger peeps! 

Next update tomorrow.

Keep a look out!! 

Thanks for reading and following me, it means a lot! 

Hasta la vista! 

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