The invite

441 19 0

[Y/n POV] 

I woke up to the sun hitting my face. 

Squinting the pair of eyes I had, I looked around, finding a note on the bedside table. 

I immediately knew who it was from. 

"Hey Y/n ssi! You kinda dozed off in the car, so I tucked you in last night. Get plenty of rest! My hyungs wanna say hi to you too, but I wanted to ask you if you were fine with it. Text me your answer once you wake up. I'll be eagerly waiting! If it's a yes, I'll pick you up at 10:00 am, we've a holiday today. If it's a no, then I'll pick you up at 11, and we'll go have lunch together. Cool? I'm leaving now. Bye! ~Tae"

Smiling the smile the fool smiles best, I texted him. 

[Friday 9:00am]

Me: Your answer: Yes.

V: Yay! My hyungs are excited already! 

Me: lol, I'll be waiting at 10. 

V: See you there! 

I took a shower and dressed up. 

It was still 9:30, so I decided to google the other members. 

I didn't wanna make a fool of myself. 

[Friday 9:35am]

Unknown: Is this Y/n?

Me: Depends, who's this?

Unknown: I'm Taehyung's little bro, Jungkook! 

Me: Oh hey Jungkook. 

Kook: How are you? I heard you were sick. 

Me: I'm better, all thanks to Taehyung. 

Kook: He keeps talking about you, and he always says, Y/n is so funny, Y/n is so cute, blah blah blah. 

Me: Lol really? 

Kook: Yeah, I think someone's in loveeeeee

Me: Yah! Shut up! 

Kook: Okay okay, I'm sorry, I'll go now, else Namjoon hyung is gonna butcher me alive, see you! 

Me: Lol okay, byye

Kook: Byeee~~~


He's cute. Looks like I'm gonna have a blast at their dorm then.


Wrong Number | A Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now