Authors Note

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Hi everybody! I just wanted to come say a few things to my readers.

Firstly, these books are fiction. Yes some of the parts are real events but most of my works are fiction based LOOSELY on real life. I know reading is an escape, hell, I even use it as an escape, but please, please please please, do not compare my books (or any) to your life. It is damaging to yourself.

These books, while great to read, are not realistic. Yes, the little life is a bit more tame and realistic than TDD, but it is still fiction. Do not compare your life to them, for your own mental health.

I still struggle with this, and I know a lot of other readers do too. You look at your own life and think if only I was Calystas/Anna's/Damiens/Jack's/whatever height I would get a cg/little or maybe if I lost weight I could get a cg/little or I'm not good enough to have a cg/little. Please, do not think any of these things. These characters I portray, they're not real people. And yeah, people out there will look like them but the truth is, most people (even those with loving caregivers) do NOT. I loosely base my characters on people in my life but they are very different mostly in appearance. Yeah, I am 4'11 but I'm also 180 pounds. I'm not petite and small and light enough for someone to carry and that's okay.

If it's what you want, you will find someone in life to take care of you and be your daddy/mommy/cg/little just the way you are. You don't have to look like a character in a book or this vision you have in your head of what someone should look like. I promise you, you're perfect the way you are.

Also, your cg doesn't have to be like these books. I'll tell you now, most caregivers will not be billionaires with their own companies at 23/24/25 whatever. Most (maybe all) will not be mafia leaders (sad, I know :p). Most will not "tower over you" because the average height of (im talking cis here) males in the US is 5'9 and women is 5'4. That's not a lot of room to tower over someone lol

So please, do not compare your life to the books you see here. You're perfect the way you are, and your relationship can be perfect just the way it is. Take ideas from my book about things to do with your cg or little, take rules, take punishments. But please, do not take fiction as fact.

Thanks everyone for reading <3 I'll continue to update since I'm back on my grind.

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