Chapter Forty Four

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It's finals time and I'm feeling more stressed than I have ever been in my life. I'm so thankful for Jack allowing me to focus on school and not worry about working, because I would most likely not survive this semester if I had to work too.

Today is my last final, however, so after today I can finally breathe. I stopped at Starbucks to get a mango dragonfruit refresher and study for a bit before I head to campus to take my leadership final. This class was interesting, to say the least. I still wasn't sure what it was about, but it was a required course for graduation. After this semester I'll have my associates in general studies and then I can start on my bachelors.

I got my drink from the counter and found a seat nestled in the corner. I took everything from my backpack and situated everything on the small table in front of me. I knew what to expect on this exam so I wasn't too worried, but if I wanted to keep up my 4.0 GPA I needed to get an A in this class. Fortunately I would only need a 40 on the final to get an A as my final grade. Everything I've taken has been fairly easy, with the exception of statistics and anatomy.

I studied for about an hour before I headed to campus. I wanted to get there early to prepare, get a good seat, and maybe start early so I could finish early. I walked into the exam room and took a seat in the back so I didn't have to walk in front of todo many people to leave. I grabbed a laptop and brought it back to my seat before logging in to the testing site.

After the exam was over and I got my grade (an A), I packed up my things and headed home to celebrate.

"I'M HOME" I yelled as I sat my keys on the entry table and took off my shoes.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your final?" Jack asked as Salem rubbed against my leg. I picked him up and walked into the kitchen to see Jack cutting up an apple.

"Got an A. I'm finally free. Until I go back to school. For four more years" I groaned.

"See I knew you could do it! You're such a smart girl" he smiled as he handed me a princess plate with the apple slices and peanut butter.

"I'm bored" I said as I chewed on one of the apple slices.

Jack looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Bored? You just walked through the door silly".

"And I'm not doing anything. Therefore I'm bored" I stuck my tongue out and squeezed my eyes shut to show him I was being playful.

"Well Princess, what would you like to do to celebrate finishing college?"

"Finishing for now" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully. "I dunno. Maybe we can go out?"

"Go out. Very specific, my love" he joked as he turned on the dishwasher and walked to the barstool next to me before sitting down.

"Ugh I can't pick things to do. I have trouble"

"We'll give me some ideas. Nothing concrete. Just general"

"I cannnnttt" I whined.

"Okay, how about mini golf?"


"Escape room"






"Ice skating"

"Too much work"

Jack sighed and giggled a little. "So you want to do something but you don't wanna do anything, hmm?"

"Precisely, yes. I'm glad you understand" I nodded.

"Well what if we drive to the beach for a couple days? It is May and it's supposed to be in the 80°s all week. Prime non-crowded beach time"

"REALLY? YAY I LOVE THE BEACH" I squealed as I jumped off the barstool and danced around the kitchen.

"Woah woah woah there little lady. You've gotta prove that you can be a good girl first"

I stopped in my tracks and frowned. "But whyyyyyy"

Jack giggled and followed me into the bedroom. "You're already pouting about having to behave? My, my, my, not off to a good start, bug"

I groaned and smiled at him as I sprawled out on the bed. "Can we go now?"

"Maybe. I have to see if someone can watch Salem for us first" he said as he slipped his phone from his pocket and began looking through his contacts.

"I can take him to Tasha's! She loves him! She would be happy and he would be back in his first home" I said excitedly, knowing she would do it.

"Okay bug. I'll text her and ask. Why don't you go take get ready for a bath and find our bags in my closet"

I nodded and skipped into his closet and pulled out two suitcases; one pink with flowers and one matte black. I opened them and placed them on the bed before heading to the bathroom.

I opened the cabinet under the sink and took out the bin that had my bath items in it. I sat it on the side of the tub and grabbed my towel from the hook on the door, placing it on the toilet for when I got out.

A few moments later Jack came into the bathroom. "You ready for bath time baby?"

"Yeah! What did Tasha say?"

"She would be glad to watch her son" he smiled at me as he turned on the water and then plugged the drain once the temperature was fitting.

I squealed with excitement before taking my clothes off. I stood at the side of the bath waiting for Daddy to fill it enough for me to get in. Once there was enough water, he helped me in and handed me my toys.

"I'm going to pack some things so we can leave this afternoon. Stay in here until I come get you okay? I don't want you getting hurt getting out by yourself" he said as he kissed my forehead. "And the door will be open. I'll be in our room so yell if you need me"

"Okie dokie" I nodded to show I understood before he left the room. I took out my rubber ducks and my bath crayons and started putting on a play.

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