Chapter Eighteen

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We finished our ramen in somewhat silence and decided to head back to my apartment. Jack cleared our bowls and tipped the jar that said "for the cook". After he was finished with everything he intended to do, he held the door open for me to follow him back to his car.

We got back to the car and as always, he opened my door and buckled me in. Again, I couldn't help but blush at the gesture. As he took his own seat and started the car, I decided to speak up.

"I liked it"

"It was pretty good ramen. I'm glad you-"

"No. Well I mean, yes the ramen was good. But...", I blushed and looked at the floor, "I liked it when you, um, called yourself daddy"

With those words his eyes lit up like Christmas lights. His face was sporting a cheesy grin to accompany the light I turned on in his eyes. Basically his whole face lit up at my words.

"Really?" He said, very nonchalantly. The exact opposite of how his face was reacting.

I giggled at the sight, "Hehe, yes."

"That makes me so happy to hear, baby girl. You have no idea" he said as he leaned over and peppered kisses all over my face, making me giggle more. "I love hearing you giggle"

His words made me blush as we pulled away and headed towards my apartment. We made small talk, not mentioning the subject again. For some reason, I was sad the conversation never veered in that direction again.

As we drove, he held my hand at my side. Every once in a while I would look in the window and see him looking at me and smiling. He seemed to do that often.

We reached my parking deck and he got out of the car and did the routine of opening my door and walking me to my apartment.

"I had a really good time today. Thank you, Jack" I said as I opened the door to my apartment to find Tasha passed out on the couch, snoring louder than a freight train. I laughed and tossed my bag on the table beside the door before kicking off my shoes. "Come in"

We quietly tiptoed into my bedroom and slid the door shut, then I turned on the light and made my way under the covers. Jack soon followed, slipping under the covers and taking me in his arms. We laid like that for a bit before I started to feel myself drift to sleep. I tried to fight it but it was no use.

After a few moments of sleep, I felt him move and slide me away from him. "Please stay daddy" I whispered, grabbing onto the first thing of his I could find, which happened to be his shirt.

"Okay little one" he whispered back before taking his shirt off and getting back into bed, embracing me once again.

The next morning I awoke to Jack whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"Baby girl, it's time for school. Your alarms been going off for ten minutes" he said as he kissed my cheek and brushed the hair away from my face.

"Mmm no school today. I wanna cuddle all day" I said as I pulled him tighter against me and nuzzled my face against his arm I was holding hostage.

"Sweetheart, skipping school is a no no with me. Get that cute little butt up and get ready. I can drive you if you'd like"

I grunted, starting to feel little. "I don't wanna go to school today. I'm not going"

"Yes, you are. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth until you're up" he said sternly, releasing himself from my grip and getting out of bed.

"I can do what I want. You don't own me" I said in a bratty tone as I sat up, folding my arms across my chest.

"Not yet anyway" he smirked and pulled his shirt back on. He always knows how to make me blush. "You're right. I don't own you. Go ahead and skip school. I can't tell you what to do" he said. It wasn't anger in his voice, more like disappointment.

"What if you did?" I blurted out without a second thought.

"Did what?"


"Is this an invitation?" He smirked as he sat on the bed, never breaking eye contact.

I nodded my head and looked at the bed to hide the redness covering my cheeks.

"EEEEEEEK" we heard from outside my bedroom door, making both Jack and I jump. Tasha quickly slid the door open and ran in, jumping at me and smiling like a mad woman. "That took FORever. You guys are losers. Who takes that long?! Not me. Ugh. Anyway. I've been listening to the whole conversation and Cal, you should skip school. Coming from a-" she flexed her arms one at a time while looking at each-"college dropout, college isn't important" she laughed.

"Tasha, now that isn't-" Jack was interrupted by Tasha placing her finger on his lips.

"Relax, dad. I'm kidding. I never went to college" she said as she winked at me. "But seriously, Cal, you've been working so hard you need a break. Like, a real break. Take a day off. No biggie"

"Pleaaaassseeee da-" I said as I looked at him with the cutest pouty face I could muster. I stopped myself before finishing the name because I can't believe I was about to say that, so out of the blue.

"AWWWWW YOU'RE SO CUTE" Tasha said as she tackled me.

Jack sighed and smiled, then rolled his eyes. "One day. You can skip one day. But only because of that pouty face"

"Yay!!! Thank you, daddy!" I said, not caring who was there or who could hear.

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