Chapter Four

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I looked at him with big doe eyes, worried about what was going to happen next. The woman walked out and shut the door, leaving me in the clutches of this daring and handsome man. I sat looking up at him while my heartbeat right out of my chest it seemed like. The buzz of my phone interrupted our stares, startling me and making me jump.

"Hello?" I answered. It was Ashton.

"Where are you? I'm ready to go if you are"

"I was thinking I might stay for the uh...workshop, they're holding. I'm in Mr.Hudsons office"

"No fucking way. He never brings anyone back there. If you really want to stay then I'll stay too. But come on! You have to get a seat"

And with that, he ended the call.

"Shall we go, then?" Jack asked, still towering over me.

I gulped, "Yes"

He stood up and backed away, holding out his hand. I looked up at him questioningly and he nodded, understanding my non-verbal question. I took his hand and we made our way to the main area of the club.

"Welcome to the TNG Monday night Dom/Sub Munch. First off, I think we have a few new kinksters here tonight. If you're new here please stand up" a man dressed in an all black suit said as Jack ushered me to a table near the front where Ashton was seated. He pulled a chair back, but stopped me from sitting.

"I have one" Jack smirked and looked at me. I looked around the club and recognized a couple people from around my neighborhood and some that looked vaguely familiar from school.

"Hello! Welcome. What is your name and what brings you here?" The man asked me.

"I, um, my name is Calysta and I was just here with a friend. I just moved to the area so he was showing me some places to hang out" I said shyly. I was starting to get nervous. I had to hold myself back from sticking my thumb in my mouth.

"That's wonderful! And what are you interested in?"

"I uh I like cats?" My response gathered a laugh from the crowd and I felt my face turn red.

"Come on now, everyone. She's new. Calysta, I mean what's your kink or what's your lifestyle?"

"My kink? Oh I um I don't have anything like that I just, I came here with a friend I don't know-" I cut myself off and stared down at the floor.

"That's okay! This is all about learrrnninnggg. Who knows, you may leave here today realizing you have one" he said as he winked at me. I sat down, still red and shaky from the embarrassment.

Jack leaned over and whispered to me, "I'll bet money on the fact you have one, you just don't realize it is"

I smiled up at him then looked down at the floor, feeling very uncomfortable at the fact these people were so...comfortable.

"Now, let's get down to it. Today is an introduction to kink workshop, where I and my other host, Jack, will be teaching you the ins and outs of BDSM. First off, who knows what BDSM stands for?" The man who I now know as Spencer asked the crowd.

Almost everyone raised their hands, and after remembering the paper Jack had given me, I raised my hand as well.

"Great. So everyone almost. For those of you who don't know, BDSM stands for Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism. Who knows what those last two are?"

A few people raise their hands but almost half of the group didn't budge. Great, I'm not the only one, I thought to myself, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Sadism and Masochism. A complex subject within the BDSM community. Sadism refers to the enjoyment of inflicting pain upon others, whereas Masochism is enjoyment from that pain. So if I were to, say, burn my partner during sex and find it arousing or enjoyable, that would make me a sadist. If my partner enjoyed getting burned, that would make them a masochist. Everyone understand?" He asked, eliciting head nods from everyone in the room.

The rest of the workshop he spoke about some of the aspects of BDSM and some activities the couples might enjoy, such as wax play, bondage, cutting, slapping, etc. None of it sounded interesting or even remotely sexually gratifying to me until he began to talk about CGL.

"There are many types of Domination and Submission. You may have the regular dom and sub, or sub type, ha, see what I did there? Anyway, one category that falls under Dom/Sub is CGL. I see some of you have probably already immersed yourselves in that lifestyle" he chuckled, looking around at some of the couples. "CGL stands for caregiver/little. It is where one person acts as a caregiver, also known as a daddy or mommy, and the other acts as a child. It is NOT incest, as many, many people think. It is between two consenting adults and is in no way meant to portray pedophilia. Got it? Good. Here is a sheet for some aspects of CGL based on the age ranges. Feel free to look over this while I talk. I don't mind" he said as Leslie handed out sheets to us all, titled Little 101.

Some activities are not listed. These are not set in stone for every little, as everyone is different and has different preferences

0-2: whiney, needs constant attention, cannot feed self, may wear diapers, mostly non-verbal, uses bottles, needs to be held/rocked to sleep, probably uses a pacifier, has a special sleeping toy/item
3-5: watches cartoons, likes to color, likes play-doh and dolls, may need to be reminded to go potty, may wear pull-ups, uses a sippy cup, lots of temper tantrums, may use a pacifier, likes stuffed animals
6-8: may watch older kid cartoons, doesn't like to color as much as draw, wants to do everything themselves, claims to be a "big kid" instead of asking for help
9-12: grumpy, likes toys such as legos and dolls, likes electronics more than outside, ignores their CG for attention

I sat and looked over the sheet, getting lost in my own thoughts. I thought about my cabinet of sippy cups in my apartment, my endless amount of coloring books, my pacifier I secretly bought and keep under my pillow, my grumpy-ness when I'm sleepy.

I think I'm a little, I accidentally said out loud.

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