Chapter Twenty

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A short while after I had fallen asleep coloring, I was woken up by a knock on Jacks door. I groaned and kept my eyes closed, trying to go back to sleep. I hate being woken up when I had no intentions of doing so myself.

I heard him sigh before he organized some papers and turned off his laptop. I kept my eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep so I could listen to whoever was at the door. I heard his footsteps leave his office and close the doors before walking behind the couch and stopping to make sure I was asleep. He made his way to the door and opened it to find a UPS man holding a rather large package.

"I didn't order anything. What's the name on the package?" He asked and I nearly jumped off the couch in excitement.

"MY PACKAGE" I squealed as I ran to the front door. "I'll sign, I'll sign" I said as I grabbed the tablet and signed my name. I thanked the UPS man and grabbed the package, running into the house with it.

I attempted to run into my room but was stopped when I heard Jack clear his voice. "So are you going to tell me what that is or are you going to just run through the house with it?"

"Oh, um, well it's a secret" I blushed before running into my room and shutting the door.

I tried to open it but the tape was too strong, so I grabbed a pair of scissors off my art table. I slowly cut away the tape, being very careful not to cut myself. After it was cut enough to open the box, I ripped the top open to find all of my Wish items. I may have gone a little overboard after Tasha started helping me with bills and I had a lot of extra money leftover.

I dumped out the somewhat heavy box and began sorting through my items. I bought a lot more than I thought and this wasn't all of it. But to be fair, I only spent $100. So it could be worse.

I decided to put the packages into categories on my floor to sort them. Clothing, stationary, toys, and beauty. I was too busy sorting to hear Jack come in. He was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded in front of him. "You went a little overboard, eh?" He teased.

I jumped from his voice and put my hand over my chest. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry," he laughed "I knocked but you didn't say anything so I peeked. Wanna show me what you got?"

"Yeah! So I got these mermaid makeup brushes, this cat hoodie, these flower stickers, this shirt with flowers on it, these socks..." I continued explaining and showing him each item as I unpackaged it, excited for all of my new stuff. "And I have more stuff because Wish never packages everything together but that probably won't be in until next week"

"Very nice. And uh, what about the stuff hidden behind you?" He raised an eyebrow and pointed to the three small packages I had shoved behind my back after I noticed him.

"Oh those? Those are nothing. Those don't matter" I blushed as I folded my clothing items.

"Hmm. Okay. I won't push" he said as he held both hands up. "Why don't you put all of your new clothes in your laundry basket and I'll throw them in the washer for you"

"Okay! I'm hungry. What are we doing for lunch?" I asked as I gathered my new clothes.

"How about grilled chicken salad? Or we can make homemade uncrustables"

"UNCRUSTABLES" I basically screamed.

Jack laughed, "Okay. Uncrustables it is. Clean up and I'll throw your stuff in the washing machine"

"Yes, Sir" I said as I began to gather my new things.

"You're such a good girl" Jack said before kissing my forehead and walking out with my laundry basket.

After we were done, we made our uncrustables and sat at the island to eat. I got a cup of apple juice for myself and a glass of sweet tea for him before taking my seat at the island.

"I think I'm gonna go home today for a couple days to hang out with Tasha" I said as I took a bite.

"Oh, really?" Jack said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah. I miss her and Salem and it's not fair she has to stay there alone, ya know?"

"I understand, babygirl. Do whatever you need to do" he said as he pet my head. "Just know, you can bring Salem when you move in with me in the future"

I smiled and said "Okay" but my mind was going a thousand miles a minute. Move in with him?! Yeah I stay here pretty often, but move in with him?

"I can see those gears turning" he laughed, "I didn't mean any time soon. We've only been together 6 months. I'm just saying, for future reference, you can bring him."

"OH that's great. Okay yeah because I was gonna say don't you think it's a little early to be doing all that and plus I can't just leave Tasha with my apartment to pay for by herself and also I would be worried about moving in to your space anyway and I also don't think we're ready for that big of a step and-" I began to ramble but was cut off by Jacks lips being pressed against mine.

"You're rambling. It's okay. Like I said, it's too early. I agree. Now finish up because I'm hungry for something else" he smirked, making me choke on my chip.

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