Chapter Twenty Four

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After I got dressed, Jack and I gathered our things and headed to his house so he could get ready. The whole way there we were silent and I knew something was bothering him so I decided to speak up.

"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong this morning" I asked as I glanced over at him.

He sighed. "No baby. Tasha told me about what happened last night"

I looked at the floorboard before replying, "Oh. What did she say?"

"She said some guy was all over you and wouldn't get off so she punched him. Cal, why didn't you call me? I could have handled it for you sweetheart."

I started to get annoyed. "What would have been the point of calling you? Obviously we had it taken care of because he got kicked out and banned. I took care of myself without having to name drop"

"Calysta I-"

"You always think I can't do anything for myself but I can. I'm an adult. An actual adult. And this thing is nice and all but you're starting to forget that" I half shouted at him. I looked over and noticed him gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. I don't know what had gotten into me but it made me feel sick to my stomach.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I know you're an adult. I just get carried away sometimes. I like taking care of you and I wish I could have been there last night to help, is all I was saying."

"Yeah. You're always 'just saying' " I said as I turned and faced out of the window. A few minutes later we pulled into his driveway.

We made our way inside and I went to my room and shut the door, ignoring whatever he was saying to me on the way there. I took out my phone and texted Tasha while I waited for Jack to get ready.

Calysta: Me and jack just had our first fight/argument :( It was because of me. I think I'm panicking and worried he's going to start treating me like crap so I'm doing it first.

I sat on the window bench seat staring into the back yard until my phone dinged.

Tic-Tac: Oh shiiiii it took y'all long enough though. I'm sorry baby. What happened???

Calysta: He was angry??? That I didn't call him last night??? When that guy was on me at the club??? And then I kind of maybe perhaps yelled at him in the car telling him I'm an adult and he doesn't need to fix all of my problems...😬

Tic-Tac: You're gonna get it later lmfaoooo I'm sorry boo. I'm sure he'll be fine. I know if I had a sub talk to me like that I would be HEATED for a lil bit. But I know you have your reasons. I love you!!!

Calysta: Yeah, I know...I love you too

I sent the text and laid on the floor to ponder in my thoughts. Today is going to be shit.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hey bab-" he cleared his throat, "Calysta. It's time to go. We don't have long before we're meeting with my parents so we have to hurry" he said before I heard footsteps walk away from the door.

I got up and grabbed my crossbody before walking to the front door. "Can you just take me to Target and I can get something myself" I asked without really asking, before he unlocked his car and I scooted inside.

He sighed and slammed his door shut as he got in the car. "If that's what you would prefer"

"It is" I snapped back. I needed to control myself.

The rest of the way to Target we didn't speak at all. I didn't like this but I needed to stand my ground. I wasn't sure why I was feeling like this, though. It was very unlike me and I didn't like it.

We pulled into Target and he put the car in park, not moving from his seat. He didn't look away from in front of him as I quickly got up and exited the car, making my way inside the store.

I decided to go with a floral dress since it was nice outside and I was in the mood to wear a dress instead of the jeggings and floral tennis shoes I had on. I also needed shoes since I didn't want to wear the tennis shoes with a dress. I found which one I wanted and a few other things and tried them on before finally deciding on a thigh length yellow floral dress and some white wedges.

I gathered my items and went to the front to check out. I paid with my own debit card and made my way to the bathroom to change. Once I was finished I walked outside to Jacks car so we could head to lunch. As I buckled myself in I heard him clear his throat.

"What?" I asked as I looked over and noticed him bulging. "Seriously? It's just a dress" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"A dress that makes me want to bend you over this car and fuck you until you can't stand" he said as he adjusted himself before leaving the parking lot.

The rest of the way to the restaurant was spent in an awkward silence and me pushing his hand away every time he tried to slide it up my dress. I attempted to hold in my laughter because I wanted him to know I was still angry. We pulled up to the restaurant and I got out and grabbed my bag before I began to walk towards the front doors. I was stopped by Jack grabbing onto my waist and pulling me next to him. "I don't care if you're mad at me, you walk with me" he whispered in my ear as we walked into the restaurant together.

This is gonna be a long lunch, I thought to myself.

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