Chapter Fifty

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The next morning Jack and I awoke at 10am to the sun shining through our bedroom window. It had been some time since we had slept in that late, but after vacationing and driving, we needed the rest.

I rolled over and unplugged my phone from its charger, glancing at my notifications and reading my congratulatory text messages. People I hadn't spoken to in years were congratulating me and it felt pretty strange. I rolled my eyes at my high school bullies words of praise on my Facebook page and tossed my phone onto my bedside table. As soon as my phone landed on the hard surface I was yanked backward by Jacks strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning, Fiancé" he said as he kissed my neck. "Would you like to go get breakfast?"

"That sounds great! Let me shower and put some clothes on" I chuckled, knowing that wasn't going to happen for a while when I felt him pressed against me.

"Hmm are you sure about that? You don't want to postpone that shower with another activity?" He said as he squeezed my nipple through the button up I had work to bed. I let out a breathy moan right as a knock was pounded upon our door.

"GOOOOOOD MORNING LOVE BIRDS PLEASE DONT BE NAKED IM COMING IN" Tasha yelled as she burst through the door.

Jack cleared his throat and pulled the blanket back over his almost naked body. "Good morning, Tasha. I forgot you were here."

"Wellll I am. SO. The plan for today. I already made you brunch reservations at L'emere and I ordered an Uber X to take you guys because I have something else planned for later that I need your cars for and-oh also Ashton called and he said he wanted to swing by later" Tasha said quickly as she pulled out her phone and began scrolling and typing.

"That's...a lot Tic-Tac. I think we just wanted to chill today?" I said as I glanced at Jack and then back at Tasha with a small smile. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I really didn't want to do much today.

"Oh don't worry it's not a lot, I promise. Just go enjoy brunch and you can relax the rest of the day" she said as she walked out of our bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

"Well then. I guess we should get dressed," Jack said as he threw the comforter off his chest and untangled his feet to step out of bed.

I groaned and clambered out of bed before heading into the bathroom to shower.

"Sorry she ruined your boner," I laughed and gestured at Jack's crotch.

He sighed, "It's fine. We'll have plenty of time for that. Trust me."

We entered the steaming shower together and did our tasks before just standing under the water in each other's arms, relaxing. Jack had some work to finish up while I got ready so he left me to my own devices after drying off and getting himself dressed.

I'm a fiancé, repeated in my head about 100 times as I was getting dressed.

For brunch I decided to wear the blue sundress I wore on our first date. I pulled the hanger from the back of my closet and slipped the dress on over my wet hair. I scrunched my damp strands with the fluffy pink towel on the bed before brushing from ends to my roots. After sticking in some gold hoops, I put on mascara and went to find Jack.

"You're so beautiful, baby" Jack said as I was standing in the doorway to his office.

I blushed before responding, "Are you ready? If not I can watch tv or something while you finish."

"I'll be out in a few. Why don't you go sit with Tasha." I nodded in response and made my way to the living room to see what Tasha was doing.

"Whatcha doiiinngg?" I asked as I peeked over her shoulder at her phone.

She jumped and threw her phone onto the couch. "Nothing. Why? What do you want? Why are you here still?" She said nervously.

"Aww," I pouted, "you don't wanna be with me?"

"Of course I do! I just, uh, I have a lot to do. That's all" she smiled showing all of her teeth as she picked her phone back up and walked towards the kitchen.

I sat on the couch and put on Schitts Creek while I waited for Jack to finish whatever he was doing. In the middle of the episode, he came to the living room to tell me he was too busy with something work related and said we wouldn't be able to go to brunch. Tasha sighed but agreed and called to cancel the reservation and canceled the Uber. They were both too busy for me, so I grabbed my throw blanket from the couch and curled up, putting on Bluey to distract myself from the rejection I was feeling.

An hour later Ashton appeared in front of me.

"Hey little chicken. Why ya look so blue?" He asked as he bent down in front of me. I shrugged in response. "Hmm well how about me and you go get some lunch?"

I sighed, "I guess."

He helped me get my shoes on after I told Jack and Tasha we were leaving. They both seemed too wrapped up in their activities to notice, so I followed Ashton out of the house and to his car.

"How ya feeling?" Ashton turned to look at me as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Why are they ignoring me? I just got engaged and now Jack is ignoring me and Tasha is acting weird and I had to lay by myself and watch Bluey."

"Maybe they have something planned for you so they're spending time on that?"

"How do you know? What would they even be doing?" I asked as I rested my chin on my palm against the car door.

"Maybe you should just wait and see. How bout a happy meal?" He asked as he poked my side. I smiled and turned back around in my seat as he drove us to McDonalds.

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