Chapter Five

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"What was that?" Jack asked as he looked down at me.

"Huh?" I asked, snapping out of the trance I had put myself in.

"You just said something about being a little?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? Oh, um, no I was just reading to myself" I laughed nervously. As I folded up the information sheet, Jack stood up and walked to the front.

"The introduction to BDSM is now over. Give it up for Jack Hudson, owner of Fallout and one of the most handsome dominants in the city" Spencer said as he flashed a smile and bowed to Jack.

A dominant, I thought to myself, that explains a lot.

Jack went on to talk about his club and some of the events they have and how to get invited. I was so lost in my own thoughts, once again, I didn't realize the workshop was over and everyone had stood up to mingle and leave. I glanced up to see Ashton talking to Jack and pointing Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Spencer said as he smiled down at me. "Did you enjoy the workshop, Calysta?"

"Oh um, yeah it was very...informative" I smiled, not knowing how else to describe it.

"Did you learn anything about yourself tonight?" He asked, seeming to read my mind.

"Nope I don't think so. Very interesting though. Super cool stuff" I said as I stood up and grabbed my stuff, nodding my head at him before walking over to Ashton. "Hey I think I'm gonna head out. I have work tomorrow and it's kind of late. See you wednesday?"

"I hope you don't think I'm some sort of freak after this. I thought maybe you would enjoy it because of well, ya know, how you dress and stuff" Ashton laughed nervously.

"No it was super fun! I'd totally do it again. I still like you" I laughed back. "I'll see you Wednesday. Bye Mr.Hudson" I said as I stuck my hand out to him.

"Please, call me Jack" he said as he stuck his hand out and grabbed mine.

His hands were so big, you couldn't even tell he was holding mine in his. I've always had small hands, even as a child. I'm positive they stopped growing when I was like four.

I waved to Spencer and Ashton as I walked out of the club and headed to my car. I unlocked the drivers side door and got in, putting the key in the ignition. I sat behind my wheel, thinking about everything I just learned. Littles, caregivers, bondage, all of it. I was determined to find out more about all of this, but it was getting late and I was tired, so I turned on my car and drove home.
The next morning I was getting ready for work when I made a realization. I never paid for my food last night. I picked up my phone from my bed and texted Ashton, asking if he had paid.

Ashton: Nooooopeee. Jack said he'd cover it ;)

I hate hand outs. I can take care of myself and I want him to know that. I decided to visit Fallout after work and pay for my food anyway. What can I say, I'm stubborn.

I threw on my uniform and hopped in my car, ready to start the day. I arrived at Panera and shut off my car, sitting in the seat dreading going in. It's not that I hate working here, I just...hate it. I make good money since I've worked here since I was fifteen, but the work is just starting to get old. Plus, it's an hour away from my new city. I think it may be time to quit.

What does a girl have to do to be taken care of around here, I thought to myself when I noticed the folded piece of paper in my front seat from last night. I was so tired I totally forgot to research more. I had twenty minutes before I had to go in, so I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and opened google.

'What is DDLG'
Daddy Dom / Little Girl. DDLG, or dd/lg, is a relationship in which one person is the caregiver or "daddy" and the other is childlike. It is NOT a relationship between an actual father and daughter or any minor. This is a type of BDSM relationship that may or may not involve sex, but often involves play with child-like things, such as stuffed animals, bed-time stories, and spankings. The lg part of the relationship is often called the "little girl."

'What is a little'
A little is the submissive partner of a DDLG relationship often called names like baby girl and princess. They often act more childish than there real age like a 20 year old acting like a 4-5 year old. My heart skipped a beat but I decided to keep reading. They often love coloring, stuffed animals, and watching cartoons. Depending on the age of the little they may also require sippy cups and or pacifiers .

Just like there are daddy doms and little girls there are also mommy doms and little boys and the same things will apply

They often require rules such as bed time and punishments for being "bad" or breaking rules.

I began to delve deeper into the world of DDLG. I started to get a strange feeling the more I read about it. The more I read, the more I described myself. It was a crazy feeling. I started to feel somewhat at peace, knowing I wasn't the only person who felt this way. I wasn't the only twenty year old with a bed full of stuffed animals and a pacifier and sippy cups. How could I have not known about this until now?

My twenty minutes were up before I knew it, and I trudged my way into work, unlocking the front door with my master key. I walked in and noticed my favorite coworker and best friend, Tasha, sweeping behind the registers under the newly stocked bagel case. She made me instantly perk up.

"I didn't know you were working! I have something to tell you" I said, throwing my bag on the counter. Tasha was very open about her sex life, and was one of my best friends so I decided to tell her about last night.

"What's up bittttcchhh?"

"I went to a BDSM club last night" I said, starting to blush.

"Omg no way! Which one? Ugh. Took you long enough. So? How was it?" She said, throwing the broom to the side and sitting on the counter facing me.

"Well...I think I might be a little"

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