Chapter Three

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I stared at him in disbelief. BDSM? That's the weird shit where people get tied up. No thank you. Why would Ashton bring me here? What on earth gave him the idea that I would actually enjoy this?

"Did you just say BDSM club?" I asked, looking at Ashton in shock.

"You do know what BDSM is, correct?" He asked as he folded his arms and looked down at me. Not gonna lie, that was kind of turning me on a bit.

"Um yeah. I think so. That's with like the ropes and stuff right?" I asked nervously.

He and Ashton both began to laugh in synchrony.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked, starting to get irritated.

"Oh, silly girl. BDSM is so much more than that. I'll go grab you an info sheet" Jack said as he jogged away towards the front entrance, grabbing a sheet from the desk. He walked back over and placed the sheet in front of me, scooting my food away. Rude, I thought to myself.

I decided to look over the sheet while Ashton and Jack were talking. Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism.

What exactly is BDSM?

BONDAGE = being tied up or restrained for the purposes of erotic enjoyment, aesthetic display, or somatosensory stimulation. This can include, rope, tape, stocking, ties, or anything that renders the person immobile.

DISCIPLINE = Using rules and punishments to control or correct behavior.

It might sound scary (like getting caught jerking off in a church by a nun ... or 10 of them), but this can be exercised in any degree you can imagine -- but only in degrees you consent to. Punishments are always discussed and agreed upon ahead of time. It can include: lectures, physical pain, humiliation (e.g. standing in the corner, naked), psychological punishments, loss of freedom (e.g. losing your computer or phone privileges)

DOMINANCE & SUBMISSION = The power exchange between two people. One having control over the actions of the other. It can be done over the phone, email, text, or in person. If you hear the word "Switch", it means the person goes both ways – dominant and submissive.

There are many reasons why people choose either role, but the exchange is to give BOTH parties pleasure, not just one.

SADISM & MASOCHISM = This is where we get the S&M (although SM or S/M is the more commonly used acronym). The pleasure is derived from giving or receiving pain or humiliation. Not to be confused with the other usage of someone with cruel intentions. Aka. Assholes.

Wow. Was I wrong about this, I thought to myself.

I was so immersed in my own thoughts and reading, I didn't realize people were starting to come into the club. I looked up to see an empty table, realizing Ashton and Jack had disappeared. I started getting more and more nervous as more people started coming in. Some of the adults were dressed in child-like clothes. Some of the males had on suits and some of the women had on dresses that were obviously for dancing. A lot of the new entrants were small and wearing frilly dresses or tutus or overalls. Before I knew it, I had stuck my thumb back into my mouth while glancing around looking for Ashton.

By now there were around 15 other patrons in the club. I sat at my table alone and decided to text Ashton to see where he had gone.

Calysta: Hey where the heck did you go?! There's like a ton of people here. I think I'm just gonna go home.

I sat for a few moments before I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me jump and bite down on my thumb. I yelped as I took my thumb out of my mouth, noticing the new teeth marks that appeared.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to startle you," Jack said as he kept his hand on my shoulder. It was comforting, in a way. His hands were so big. They gave me something to focus on instead of the crowd.

"I-it's okay. Where's Ashton?" I asked as I held my thumb with the opposite hand.

"His boyfriend showed up so he asked me to come check on you. Would you like to come to my office for a bit to get away from all the noise?" His voice was calm with a hint of force behind it. He wasn't asking, but telling.

"Yes, please. Thank you," I said as I gathered my things and my leftover food and stood to follow him. As we began to walk, the crowd started shouting their hellos at him. He must be a great person if all these people like him, I thought to myself as we walked past the people into a hallway in the back of the club.

"Sit," He ordered as he ushered towards a big, comfy-looking leather chair beside his desk when we walked into his office.

"Yes Sir," I said as I complied and took my seat. He seemed like a powerful man, so saying 'yes sir' felt fitting, given the situation. It seemed to irritate him, though, by the look he gave me after I said it.

It was a pretty nice office. He had a large cherry wood desk with bookcases on either side. The leather chair to his right and a bar cart to his left. I kept my food in my lap and got out my phone to see if Ashton had replied. Nothing. As I started scrolling through Instagram, I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see him standing against his desk with his arms folded, staring at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked nervously.

"No, sweetheart, you didn't. Why were you just sucking your thumb?"

I froze. I could feel the hotness creep onto my cheeks. Had I been sucking my thumb? I hated having that as a coping mechanism when I got nervous. Actually, I do that quite often without realizing it. Just never in front of people. Usually.

"Sorry...I just, I do that when I'm nervous," I blushed as I spoke.

He started to get closer to me. I could feel my heartbeat in my chest. The closer he got, the harder it beat.

"What are you nervous about?" He asked, now standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets.

"I-I don't know. The people probably. I don't do very well with crowds," I said nervously. Right before he had a chance to say anything, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" He bellowed, not releasing his gaze from mine or moving even an inch.

"We're ready to start, Sir," a woman in a professional outfit said as she held a clipboard.

"Go ahead and begin. I think Miss Calysta will be joining us tonight" he said as he smiled at me.

What have I gotten myself into?

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