Chapter Forty Three

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Today Tasha and I were going craft shopping. We hadn't done that in a long time and we were both in desperate need of some girl time. We decided to go to Five Below first and pick up some of those weird craft kits, like the make your own lip gloss. We also got some paint and paint brushes to attempt to paint...something. After that we made our way to Michaels to get some other random crafty things like glitter, pipe cleaners, feathers, etc. We had no plan whatsoever, we just wanted to have fun.

After Michaels we went to Dollar Tree to get some other random craft items and some snacks. Considering Dollar Tree is the best place for snacks, we stocked up enough to cover us for months. We made our way up and down each aisle, searching for any random things we may need for our night. Of course coloring books were needed, so we both looked through the many options and selected our favorites before going through the store. We ended up with a popcorn bin, snacks, coloring books, canvases, some random wooden items to paint, glitter, feather boas, some party supplies, glow sticks, and a couple toys.

We carried all of our bags out to my car and tried to decide on what to eat for lunch. After driving around for a few minutes, we decided on Chick-Fil-A. I ordered my usual grilled nugget meal with a large sweet tea, and Tasha got a frozen lemonade and a chicken sandwich with extra fries and we both got loads of chick fil a sauce. After we received our food, we headed back to Tasha's apartment for our girls night.

After we ate, we set up the living room for our night. We blew up an air mattress and put down a bunch of pillows and blankets in the middle of the living room with all of our snacks. We set up a craft station on the kitchen island with all of our supplies and cups of water for our paint. After everything was set up, we changed into pajamas and turned on some music to start crafting.

"So we can make masks with all of these feathers and glitter, we can paint on these canvases, we can paint these boxes and shit we got, ummm, we also have this giant ass pack of stickers that you needed for some reason" Tasha said as she pointed towards our supplies, explaining everything we got.

"Ummm because stickers are the best. Now let's make masks first and we can wear them while we do other stuff" I said excitedly.

"Please don't make too much of a mess. I don't want you going home covered in glitter because my ass gets chewed out" Tasha laughed.

"Excuse me, but he already knows I'm gonna be messy" I said as I threw my feather boa on and started making my mask.

After we finished our masks, we stopped to take a snack break. I ate some cookie dough bites and Tasha chose some Swedish fish. After our break, we went to painting on our canvases. I chose a Spongebob painting and Tasha was painting some weird goth black butterfly. We put on some 2000's music while we painted and took a few dancing breaks in-between. As I was putting the finishing touches on my painting, Tasha got a phone call.

She looked at the caller ID and excused herself to her room. I shrugged it off and finished my painting while waiting for her to come back. I got bored and decided to start painting the wooden picture frame we got. I got out the glitter and some more paint and went to work. A few minutes later she came back out smiling and sat down in her spot at the island.

"So?" I said.

"So what?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well who was that? You're all smiley"

"It's nobody. Whatcha painting?" She shrugged against me. I started feeling a little sad that Tasha was hiding something from me, but I get that after everything that happened, a little privacy means a lot to her. I brushed it off and started telling her about my picture frame.

We spent the next couple hours painting and dancing and just enjoying the night. After we cleaned up and had our new art set out to dry, we laid on the air mattress and looked through Disney+ to find a movie. We settled on UP and turned off the lights after popping some popcorn and putting it in our new bucket.

A short while after the movie was put on, I felt myself getting tired. I grabbed Shakespeare and curled up, fighting to keep my eyes open. That didn't last long, though, because I fell asleep shortly after.

I was awoken by Tasha screaming and thrashing in her sleep. My heart felt as if it were going to explode out of my chest after being awoken in such a frightening way. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I just started shaking her and screaming at her to wake up. After 30 or so seconds of attempting to wake her, she shot straight up and began breathing heavily. She had tears streaming down her face and she looked very disheveled.

"Tic-Tac" I said quietly.

"I-I'm sorry. That happens sometimes" she said as she brushed her hair from her eyes and stood up, walking to the bathroom. A few minutes later she walked out carrying something in her hand. She went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water before throwing whatever was in her hand in her mouth and washing it down with water. She walked back to me and laid down before looking at her phone. "It's 2 in the morning. Go back to sleep" she said to me as she pet my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes, Cal. I'm fine. That's just something that happens sometimes. I'm okay though. I have meds for it" she said as she pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes. I did the same and soon after I was back asleep.

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