Chapter Eleven

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Saturday rolled around and it was time for my second date with Jack. Tasha came back to my place yesterday after work and we decided she would spend the weekend here, with or without me. Though I hoped on the latter.

Since it was kind of chilly for an August night, I decided to wear leggings and a white T-shirt with pandas on it , then threw on my grey cardigan and my white tennis shoes. It was comfortable to watch a movie in, but cute at the same time. I put my contacts in after Tasha did simple makeup on me, and straightened my hair so it wasn't so frizzy.

"Are you sure I don't look stupid?" I asked Tasha, sucking my stomach in in front of my full length mirror.

"Babe! Stop! You look cute. He's gonna love it. I promise. Now stop overreacting!" She said as she tugged on a chunk of my hair, making me moan as she giggled. I hate it when she does that.

"Quit it! He's gonna be here soon. I have to clean up a bit. I don't want him to think I'm a slob" I said as I looked around my apartment, noticing the empty pizza boxes and clothes strewn about.

"Ugh. You're such a buzzkill. Why don't we just throw this shit in the closet and call it a night" she said as she laid upside down on the couch, her head touching the wooden floor.

"No! Now get up and help me. After all, this is mostly your mess" I said as I tossed a pillow at her, making her flip all the way over and fall on the floor. She went to tackle me before I yelled, "HEY HEY WATCH THE HAIR AND MAKEUP."

We spent the next twenty or so minutes cleaning up my apartment before there was a knock at the door.

"Shit. How do I look? Do I look okay? I look okay right?" I said, starting to panic.

"You need to chill. You look fine, like always. Put your titty back in your shirt though" she laughed, noticing my shirt had gotten stuck on my bra while I was cleaning and left nothing to the imagination for anyone who might see.

"Jack! Hello. We were just making out on the couch waiting for ya!" Tasha joked as she ushered him inside, making me want to run in my room and slam the door and never come out again. Tasha has always been the more sexual one. She's never afraid to say things like that, no matter who she's around. I guess she gets it from her dads.

"Good evening, Tasha. I'm sorry I missed the show" Jack said, winking at her. "Hey Calysta. You look beautiful as always" he said, pulling me into him and kissing my cheek.

I looked down at the floor and started shuffling my feet before saying "thank you".

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Jack asked as he looked down at me. The use of the word sweetheart made Tasha roll her eyes and stick her finger in her mouth, imitating a gagging motion.

I giggled and hid my face in Jacks arm, then turned pale as I looked up and saw Tasha's face turn into a smirk. Why did I do that, I thought to myself.

"Um, yeah, I'm ready" I said as I cleared my throat and straightened up.

"See you two lovebirds later. Or not. Ya know. Whatevs. I'll be here masturbating on your couch" Tasha said as she flopped onto the couch and unlocked her phone.

"You're disgusting. Bye tic tac! Love you" I said as Jack and I headed out of my apartment.

"Sorry about...that" I said as we got on the elevator.

"Don't worry about it. I thought it was funny. And I thought it was quite adorable when you hid your face in my arm and giggled" he said, looking down at me as I looked at the elevator floor in embarrassment. Why am I like this.

We got to the drive in and the line looked a mile long. I've never been to a drive in so I was basically bouncing in my seat. Jack noticed because he eventually made a comment as we were about to purchase tickets.

"I'm assuming from the look on your face that this was a good idea?" He laughed, causing me to melt.

"Oh, sorry" I said embarrassingly, "I've just never been to a drive in before"

"Can I ask you something, Calysta?" He said and my stomach dropped. I nodded my head and waited anxiously. "Why do you apologize every time you get excited about something?"

My heart sank. I know what he's talking about. I've always done it because growing up whenever I got excited about things, I was told to calm down or grow up, or I was ignored. I had gotten used to apologizing and I guess when I got older I never stopped.

"Oh-I, um, I just don't want to bother anyone"

"Bother someone by being excited? That doesn't make any sense. You can be excited about things. Especially when you do that little giggle when you're excited. I love that"

My stomach was in knots. I hate when people talk about me, even if it's to me. I never know how to react.

"Oh, um, thank you" I said as I flashed him a meek smile. We pulled up to the window and bought two tickets as they put up the full capacity sign. We were the last car allowed in. How lucky was that?

"Since we arrived so early, I figured we could eat here. They have a concession stand with burgers and hot dogs and things like that. You are hungry, aren't you?" He asked as he put his car in park in one of the spots.

"Yeah! That sounds good" I agreed.

I decided on a cheeseburger and French fries, and Jack got a hot dog and French fries. We got a large coke to share because "little ones don't need a lot of soda so late". Not sure why, but I almost passed out when he said that and smiled at me.

We sat on the ground on a blanket he brought and ate before the movie started. We talked some more about things like our favorite foods, where he went to school and where I go, and things like that. After around thirty minutes, the warning lights blinked letting everyone know the movie was starting soon and to turn off all car lights.

"Do you have to go potty before the movie?" He asked as he cleaned up the trash from our dinner.

I looked at him and blinked. And blinked. What is wrong with me? I'm turned on by someone asking me if I need to go to the bathroom. Dammit Calysta get your shit together.

"Oh I uh-no. No I'm okay" I stuttered, trying to control my wetness.

"Are you sure? It's going to get very dark soon and you won't be able to see very well to go"

I thought about it for a minute before I assured him I didn't have to go. I started feeling something. I felt sort of at peace. I felt like I wanted to suck my thumb and curl up in his lap while we watched the princess movie. I wanted him to take care of me and to tell me I can't have soda at night and tell me I'm his cute little girl.

Is this what it's like to feel little?

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