Chapter Thirty One

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We ate and talked for a couple hours before heading home. It was around 9 o'clock when we finally arrived back to Jack's house. I was a bit tired so I decided to lay in Jack's room while he and Leo drank and hung out.

Jack was never one to get drunk. He would occasionally have a glass of whiskey or bourbon from the bar cart in the living room, but I never knew him to get wasted. I've heard some stories about Leo though. I decided to leave them be while I watched tv and texted Ashton.

I hadn't talked to him in a bit so I decided to FaceTime him. We talked about a lot of things like school, Tasha, and his new boyfriend. He had gotten close with Tasha and we all became a sort of friend group, which I was very excited about because I had never had one of those before. Their personalities meshed really well together since they were both out there and not afraid to be themselves. I brought up maybe going to law school and he was all for it, and offered to have study nights with me still, even though he'll be finished with school by the time law school comes around for me.

Me and Ashton FaceTimed for about an hour before Jack came in to tell me it was bedtime. Ashton stated he had work anyway but we could talk tomorrow. He had gotten a job at Fallout, thanks to Jack, since his sandwich shop job had closed down. He was one of the nighttime bartenders during the week so he could have his weekends to study. Jack worked with his school schedule a lot and let him take off whenever he needed.

After we hung up, Jack tucked me into his bed and put on Fancy Nancy for me to fall asleep to. I was having a hard time falling asleep and my stomach was growling a bit so I decided to get a snack. I listened closely trying to hear Jack and Leo, trying to see if I could get a snack without being noticed or not. When I heard Jack's boisterous laugh I knew I was good to go.

I tiptoed through the house and into the kitchen without being noticed. I opened the cabinet and got a pack of Oreos, then got a glass and poured some milk before trying to tiptoe to Jacks room to get ready to sleep. I was so distracted getting my snack I didn't hear Leo and Jack stop talking. When I closed the refrigerator door Jack was standing behind it with his arms crossed.

"Oh mother of all things unholy you scared the crap out of me" I said as I clutched my chest dramatically.

"What do you think you're doing? And why are you awake? Isn't it passed your bedtime?" He questioned.

"Well I was trying to sleep but couldn't and then I got kinda hungry so I'm getting a snack. I didn't realize the time until I got hungry. But I'm going to bed now!"

"Do you really think you should be eating Oreos at...'he said as he looked at his watch 'midnight?"

"It's just six of em. That's not bad" I whined.

"When you can't sleep because of a tummy ache don't come crying to me then" he said as he threw his hands up and turned around.

"Ughhhhh fine. I'll eat an apple" I said as I put the Oreos back in the cabinet and grabbed an apple from the bowl of assorted fruit on the counter. He knew what he was doing and it worked.

"That's what I thought. You're such a good girl. Now go get in bed. I'll be in there in a minute" he said as he kissed my forehead and pinched my butt.

I rolled my eyes and smiled before turning on my heels and going back into his room. I sat my apple and milk on the nightstand before taking off my pajama pants and jumping up into his bed. I was watching PEN15 when he came in.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he began to undress.

"I feel fine. I got an apple instead of-"

"No, Babygirl. How are you feeling?" He asked as he undid his belt.

"OH", I said, understanding what he meant now, "no. I'm not feeling little right now. Why?"

"Because I'd really love to fuck you right now. Put your snack down and pause your show for me" he said as he took his pants off and climbed onto the bed. I blushed and did as he said before he climbed on top of me and grabbed my wrists with his hand. He had something in his other hand but I couldn't tell what it was until he was tightening his belt around my wrists. "Don't move unless I tell you to. Understood?"

"Yes Sir" I said as I watched him take his free hand and place it on the front of my panties. He traced along the hem before taking one finger and pulling them to my ankles. He dipped his head down and I moaned and instinctively bent my knees.

He stopped and sat up with his face nearly touching mine, "What the fuck did I say?"

"D-dont move" I agreed.

"So don't. Fucking. Move. It's simple" he said as he moved back to his place. He continued with his tongue for a few minutes before my legs started shaking and I tried my hardest not to make any noise. Suddenly he stopped and let go of me, making me whimper. He sat up and pulled off his boxers, "I didn't say you could cum, did I?"

"No Sir" I said as I looked at him and pouted.

"Good girl" he said before thrusting himself inside of me.

We had sex for a while before he finished and finally let me. Afterwards we showered together and put our night time clothes on. We laid in bed cuddling, both drifting off to sleep shortly after.

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