Chapter Eight

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The rest of the night was spent doing face masks and watching romance movies while occasionally drinking from a bottle of wine after I had finished my homework for the day. Halfway through "The Last Song", my phone buzzed.

804xxxxxxx: Hey sweetheart, it's Jack. Just checking in. Are you allergic to anything or have any other dietary restrictions I should know about before tomorrow evening?

My heart almost beat out of my chest seeing the number pop up. I knew it was Jack.

"He texted me" I blurted out in the middle of Miley Cyrus singing She Will Be Loved.

"WHAT! Oh my gods what did he say?" Tasha screeched as she paused the movie and jumped up in the bed.

"Shhhhh remember it's like 1am you whore. He asked if I had any 'dietary restrictions' for our date tonight" I said, emphasizing the 'dietary restriction' part.

"Uhh did you tell him you only eat dinosaur chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese" she teased.

"I do not. I ate a grilled chicken wrap at his club. He knows I eat more than that" I said, sticking my tongue out.

"So text him back!"

"Okay fine. What do I say though?!"

"Tell him the only dietary needs you have is his dick" she said, deepthroating the wine bottle neck.

"You're disgusting" I said as I threw a pillow at her. I thought for a minute then decided to text him something simple.

Me: Nope, nothing! All good to go.

"Oh gods that was stupid. Nevermind don't send don't send" I said, freaking out at my phone.

"HA. Good to go. You're so dumb" Tasha teased.

What seemed like only a second later, my phone buzzed again.

804xxxxxxx: Good to know, but why are you awake at such an early hour? Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep? Not that you need it ;)

"Ooh, sounds like a fuckboy text" Tasha said, making a cringe face.

"You're so dramatic. He's right though. I have school tomorrow. I should probably sleep a little. You're such a bad influence"

We cleaned up a little and got comfy in bed while finishing The Last Song. Tasha fell asleep but her snoring kept me from doing the same, so I decided to finish the bottle of wine and turn on another movie. A few minutes after finishing the bottle, I began to drift off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up at 10 o'clock. I had another 11am class, so I got out of bed and showered, then threw on some comfortable clothes before waking Tasha up to drive me to class so she could use my car. After all, what are best friends for if not helping you be at your peak hoeness?

"Tasha, wake up I have to go to class" I said, shrugging her shoulder forcefully.

"Uuugghhhhhhh it's too earrrlllyyyy" she groaned.

"You're the one who wanted to stay up all night drinking" I joked. "Now get up or you'll miss your dick appointment"

"Oh shit! Tristan. I forgot. I'm up. Let's go" she said as she jumped out of my bed and tripped over Salem, who then meowed and scurried into the kitchen.

She finished getting ready and I got all of my things together before heading off to class. I said my goodbyes and good lucks to Tasha as she dropped me off to go have fun with Tristan.

I could barely focus all day because I was so nervous for my dinner with Jack. I talked to Ashton a little during our computer class but I wasn't really paying attention. He talked about some concert he was going to next weekend and how his boyfriends family asked him to go on vacation with them for Christmas. History wasn't even a class to me; I was completely out of it the whole time. I mean, it doesn't help that it's the most boring class I've ever had to take. In my life. At the end of the day, Tasha appeared outside to pick me up.

"So, how was it?" I asked as I slung my bag in front of me and jumped in the passenger seat of my car, buckling my seatbelt.

"Aw it's like a mom picking up her daughter from school!" She joked. "But really, it was SO good. Have you seen those rooms???" She asked as she pulled out of the school parking lot.

"No I've only seen the main floor and Jacks office. I don't even know what they're for" I said as I took Shakespeare out of my backpack and held him on my lap.

"You usually go into them when they have events and hangout with people! There's like couches and stuff. I think that's what he said. Idk I was focused on other things. Anyway, it was uh-mazing! He has a huge dick and he lets me be dominant. I think I found the one" she said dramatically.

"Very interesting. Also, I hate that you say idk instead of saying I don't know. Now, I have to get something new to wear tonight. I haven't been able to stop thinking about our date all day. I can't focus on anything" I said, slightly panicking.

"Why don't you borrow one of my outfits?! I brought tons! You know I pack heavy" she said as she pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

"Yes. Let's do that. That way I don't have to spend money" I said as I picked up my bag and got out of the car, shutting the door behind me.

We made our way back to my apartment and were greeted by Salem, who jumped on the kitchen counter signaling I was .2 seconds late with feeding him. I sat my bag and Shakespeare down on my black leather couch and went to the pantry to get his food to feed him. Tasha rummaged through her bag until she found what she called "the perfect outfit".

She pulled out a red body con dress, similar to the black one she had just worn. I remembered what Jack said, and decided against it.

"Woahhhhh he really is a dom if you're not gonna wear something on your first date because he asked you not to" she teased as she threw the dress back in her bag and started digging some more, before pulling out a purple plunged neck sequin dress.

"That's way too fancy and even more provocative than the other one! Plus it won't look as good on me as it does on you. You have a way nicer body than me. I look like a little kid. I think I have something I can wear. Be right back" I said as I ran to my closet to find the dress.

I came back wearing my baby blue sundress and grey cardigan. It was short and it made my boobs look really good. I called it my date dress for those reasons.

"You really look like a fifteen year old now. But like a hot one" she said as she tossed me my white tennis shoes from Target. "What's a little" she said in a mocking tone.

"What? Is it too much? Should I put on one of your dresses?" I asked, becoming embarrassed of my own clothes.

"No I think he'll love it. Trust me. This is actually perfect. I'm just teasing you brat" she said as she took out her makeup bag and gave me the look symbolizing she was doing my makeup and I had absolutely no say in the matter.

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