Chapter Seven

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The whole way to the club we belted Olivia Rodrigo songs, one of our favorite past times when we're together. Since the club was pretty close, three songs later we arrived.

"Dude this looks sketch as fuck. Are you sure this is a real place?" Tasha said as she stepped out of my car into the gravel parking lot.

I giggled, "Yes I'm sure. I was just here yesterday". I grabbed my crossbody and my keys and locked my car before leading Tasha inside. "I have butterflies" I said before I opened the club door.

"I bet! He sounds hot" she said as she winked at me. She towered over me much like Ashton and Jack. She stood at 5'10 while I was only 4'11. Her wearing heels didn't help.

We walked into the blue light radiating from the bar. I noticed the same bartender from yesterday, so I decided to ask him where Jack was.

"Hey hot stuff" he winked, "you came back. Jack is in his office but nobody's allowed to go back there. Although," he looked me up and down, making me uncomfortable but also blush," you were in there yesterday so I'm sure he doesn't mind"

I thanked him and told Tasha to grab a drink while I went to find Jack. Of course, she began to flirt with the him. I rolled my eyes as I walked towards Jacks office to retrieve my wallet.

I lightly knocked on the closed door with his name on the front. Hearing a low "come in" from the other side, I opened the door to find Jack sitting at his desk behind a computer.

"Close the door. What do you want?" He said, a slight irritation to his voice.

"I, um, I just came to get my wallet and pay for the food from last night" I said quietly as I looked at the floor.

"OH! Calysta. Hello. Sorry, I thought you were Tristan. Yes, your wallet. Please don't worry about the food. I took care of it" he said as he stood up from behind his computer and began to rummage  through his drawers. "Aha, there it is" he said as he took out my wallet and closed the drawer back.

My heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. I'm so attracted to him, seeing him makes me so wet. All he has to do is...exist.

He walked out from behind his desk and stopped beside it, staring at me. "You didn't leave this behind on purpose, did you?" He laughed.

I instantly blushed. "Oh" I laughed, "no I didn't" I said looking down at the floor and shuffling my feet. I was so nervous I felt myself trying to suck my thumb. I stopped myself, but I was still afraid to look up and see his eyes.

He walked over to me and put his fingers under my chin, making me look at him. "Well that's too bad. I thought you just wanted to see me again"

I could feel my panties get wetter and wetter the more I look at him and felt his touch. I have never been more attracted to anyone in my life. I looked into his eyes and instantly felt at peace. I wasn't nervous anymore. I felt an odd sense of comfort. Again, a knock at the door interrupted us.

Tasha burst through the door, making me pull away from Jack. "Hey Cal what are you-OH. SORRY. OKAY" she said as she quickly shut the door behind her.  

"I think I better go" I said as I turned around to walk out.


"Oh. Right. Wallet. Thank you" I said, turning around to walk back towards him. I stood facing him, noticing he was holding his wallet in front of him.

"What are you staring at, little girl?" He asked, walking closer to me.

As I looked up, I realized he probably thought I was staring at his crotch. "Oh no I wasn't-"

"That's alright, sweetheart" he laughed. "Don't be embarrassed. I'm just teasing you"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was just looking at my wallet that, by the way, you're still holding" I said defensively. Why was he treating me like a child?

He got closer to me, then held my wallet up. "You can get this back, if you agree to go to dinner with me" he smirked.

"Dinner? With you?" I asked, shocked at his proposition.

He laughed, "Yes that's what I said"

"Oh I-um-Sure" I blushed.

"Tomorrow night? 7 o'clock? I can pick you up" he suggested.

"Yeah, sure. Um here I'll give you my number" I said, walking to his desk to write my number on the notepad beside his computer. I wrote down my number and ripped off the piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Perfect. I'll see you at 7 o'clock sharp tomorrow night. Be ready when I arrive" he said as he handed me my wallet.

"See you then" I said as I turned around and reached for the door handle.

"Oh, and Calysta?"

"Yes?" I said, wondering what else he could possibly want.

"Wear something more appropriate"

I nodded my head and left his office, then stood in the hallways processing what just happened. Why was I so turned on with him telling me what to do? I thought to myself.

"Hey tic-tac are you ready?" I said as I walked to the bar, still shaking from the conversation that was just had.

"Ha, are YOU? What the hell was that! Give me details! I need to know everything!" She said as she kissed Tristan on the cheek and grabbed me by my arm, leading me outside. she's always had a way with men.

"Well, I walked in and he sounded angry until he realized it was me, then he got up and like, put his fingers under my chin to make me look up at him and it made me so wet. Right okay so then you burst in and I told him I needed to go and I was staring at my wallet but he was holding it-GUESS WHERE- in front of his crotch!"

"You dirty slut you were checking out his cock!" Tasha teased.

"No I really wasn't! Well I mean, I wasn't fully. Anyway, so then he says something like it's natural and he called me little girl and then he said I could only get my wallet back if I...go to dinner with him tomorrow night"

Tasha squealed and threw her body against me. "AHHH YES FINALLY!"

"Chill!" I yelled as I laughed at her excitement.

"You have to tell me everything! Also I'm gonna come here tomorrow while you're in class and fuck Tristan" she said as she opened the passenger door to my car.

"You're the dirty slut!" I said, shutting my door and turning the car on.

The whole way back to my house we talked about the two men at the club. Tasha was only in it with Tristan for the fuck, but Jack. Jack was different. I couldn't wait for tomorrow night.

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