Chapter Forty Two

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"Cal, you gotta get ready for class baby" Jack said as he rubbed my back, trying to wake me up.

I grunted as I rolled out of bed. I trudged into the bathroom and turned the water on to shower while I brushed my teeth. A few moments later I stepped into the shower, letting the steamy hot water flow over me. 

I did all of my daily showering duties and slowly turned the water off to finish getting ready. I dried off and threw some sweatpants and a T-shirt on before attempting to towel dry my hair. I quickly brushed it then grabbed my backpack and began towards the front door.

"Ah ah ah" Jack said.

"What?" I said grumpily, still tired.

"Where's my goodbye kiss?" He pouted.

"Oh!" I giggled, "sorry" I ran up to him and kissed him before turning back around and leaving for class.

The day went by so slowly. I only had two classes but it would be pointless to go home in between them, so I decided to stay on campus and study a bit before my second class of the day.

I found a quiet spot in the corner of the library and dumped my backpack out on the table after plugging in my laptop. I plugged my earphones into my laptop and pulled up my Harry Potter commonroom background noise before beginning on some studying. I had about two hours to kill so I decided to start on a paper for my analytical research class. It was super boring and my professor chose Frankenstein as her book of choice for us to study from.

After about half an hour of writing, Ashton texted that he was heading to the library to study too and asked if I wanted to meet up. A few minutes later he plopped down in the seat next to me.

"Hey hot stuff. How was class this morning?" He said, chewing on a piece of twizzler and emptying his backpack onto the table also.

I giggled, "It was good. Boring but it wasn't terrible. Did you have class this morning?"

"Yup. My first psychology class. Who knew you would have to take 3 psychology classes to be a criminal justice major" he scoffed.

"How are you and uhhh what's his name again?"

"Clark. His name is Clark. And we're...fine" he smirked.

"Clark? I thought it was Emmett?"

"No, no. Emmett was the guy from two months ago. The one with the blonde hair and blue eyes. Clark is the new guy with black hair and green eyes and the neck tattoo"

"Oh right. Neck tattoo. The bi guy right?"

"Right. But he leans more towards dick. Also it's cute how much of a dom he tries to act with me"

"What do you mean tries to act?" I laughed.

"Let's just say he's not good at discipline and I'm not good at listening" he said, typing away on his computer.

"Oh, gotcha. Well I'm glad it's going...well?"

"Yes yes. It's going well. How's daddy?"

"He's good. Working a lot. I'm glad I have school as a distraction or I would go crazy" I laughed as I opened one of my text books.

We sat and talked for a bit about everything we had missed out on the past few weeks. We had been quite busy so neither of us had much free time to spend together. We hung out some here and there but mostly just random texts throughout the day and not full blown coffee shop conversations.

It was almost time for my second class, so I packed up my things and said my goodbyes to Ashton before heading to the classroom. I wanted to get there early to get settled in before people began to pile in.

I had a few minutes to spare so I went to the bathroom and stopped at the vending machine for some trail mix and an apple juice before heading upstairs to the classroom. Once I retrieved my items I made my way towards the stairs in between crowds of people. For a Monday afternoon it sure was crowded in here.

I walked in and took a seat in the middle of the third row of seats and took out my supplies. As I was taking my binder out, I felt someone with beside me. As nervous as I was, I looked up and smiled at the boy who smiled back and began unpacking his own supplies. He pulled out a Dunder Mifflin notebook and I was tempted to comment on it but chose not to in case I embarrassed myself.

The class dragged on but finally it was over and time to go home. I took note of what was on the board to do during the week before packing up and heading to my car. Once I found my car in the front of the parking lot, I opened the door and threw my backpack into the backseat. I sat in the front seat and shut my door before plugging my phone into the Bluetooth adapter to play some music.

I settled on my playlist called Feels Like Me before heading home.

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