Chapter Thirteen

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We sat on the bench overlooking the city for about an hour before I started to yawn. This couldn't be good. I always start to act childish when I'm tired.

Jack noticed me rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand and spoke up. "Someone's sleepy. Let's get you back home and into bed"

My mind went back to the first time we had hung out and he carried me inside because I fell asleep in his car. I couldn't let that happen again.

"Okay. I had a really good time tonight Jack" I smiled as he stood up, taking my hand in his.

"I did as well, Calysta"

We began walking past the playgrounds and to the car. As we began to pass the swings, I hesitated and frowned, wanting so badly to run over and hop on one.

It's almost like Jack read my mind, because he spoke up when he felt me hesitate. "Do you wanna go swing?"

My eyes lit up, "Yeah!"

I began to pull away from him and run towards the swings, but I stopped when I realized he was still holding my hand and standing firmly in place. "No running. You might trip and fall, and we can't have that" he smiled at me then let my hand go.

"Yes sir" I blushed as I walked towards the swings and picked one in the middle. I heard him clear his throat as he sat on the swing beside me, watching me struggle to get going since my feet couldn't touch the ground.

"Would you like some help?" He asked, watching me struggle and chuckling to himself.

"Nope I got it" I said as I swung my legs forward and backward to get momentum, but it was of no use. I wasn't doing anything but moving side to side. Just then I felt his hands on the small of my back.

"It's okay to ask for help, sweetheart. That's what I'm here for" he said as he began to push me. I'm glad he couldn't see my face because I couldn't stop smiling.

After a few minutes of swinging, I began to realize how tired I actually was. I slowed my swinging and yawned again, rubbing my eyes.

"Okay little one I think that's enough for tonight" he said as he stood behind me and held the swing, making it halt completely.

"Okie" I said, feeling extremely sleepy and what I assume to now be little.

"Do you want me to carry you to the car?" He asked as he pet the top of my head. Without thinking, I nodded my head. He walked in front of me and I put my arms around his neck, then he hoisted me up into his arms with ease. I laid my head in his neck and wrapped my legs around him as he carried me back to his car.

He unlocked the car but opened the backseat door instead of the passenger side. "What you doin?" I asked, barely able to keep my eyes open.

He gently placed me on the seat and buckled me in. "It's safer for you to sit in the back"

I fell asleep as he shut his door and turned the key, then began driving back to my apartment.

Once we arrived, he turned off the car and made his way to the back seat to unbuckle me. I felt his arms under me but was too tired to protest so I nuzzled my face into his arm and let him carry me.

I felt us walk out of the elevator once we reached my floor then heard him knock. No answer. He adjusted me in his arms and knocked again. No answer.

"Hey sweetheart do you have your key on you?" He asked softly.

I thought for a second and shook my head no. Tasha was there so I didn't think I needed it.

He sighed and woke me up enough to stand, and then placed me back on the floor. I rubbed my eyes and realized I was at my apartment door, but we weren't going in. I knocked but again there was no answer. I took my phone out of my jacket pocket and clicked Tasha's number.

"Hello?" She said. I heard the water running in the background, signaling she was in the shower.

"I'm outside and don't have a key. Can you pwease let us in" I said sleepily, slurring my words a bit. Jack smiled at me but I wasn't sure why.

"Oh shit! Yeah one sec"

A few moments later she came to the door in my robe with her hair in a towel. "Sorry about that, I thought you would have a key" she said as she turned her back towards us and walked into the kitchen. "You're home late!"

"We got caught up at the park" Jack said as he pulled me inside and shut the door. He sat me on the couch and then crouched down in front of me. "I had a great time tonight sweetheart. Tasha's gonna help you to bed now, okay? You need to get some rest" he said as he kissed me on the forehead.

He stood up and said goodbye to Tasha, but I grabbed his pants leg and pulled him to me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"You stay?"

He looked at Tasha as she whipped around from making tea and smiled at us. She gave him a nod he crouched back down to me. "Okay. I'll sleep on the couch. Your friend can sleep with you"

"No! You sleep wif me" I said as I stood up and pulled him into my room, Tasha following behind us. I kicked my shoes off and got into bed with my clothes on, then pulled at his arm to join me.

"Let me grab my clothes and charger. Bathrooms over there if you need it" Tasha said as she pointed towards the bathroom. "Oh wait shit, Cal you need to wash your face and put on pajamas sleepyhead"

I grunted.

Tasha sighed and started her routine she always does when I'm too sleepy to take care of myself. "I'm gonna take her makeup off and change her clothes. You can get in if you want" she said as she ushered Jack towards the bed.

He cleared his throat, "I'm going to go to the bathroom while you do that"

"Okkayyyy suit yourself" she winked as she began taking off my makeup with a wipe from the packet I keep on my nightstand. I stirred a bit as she wiped and she shushed me like she always does. "I'm not letting you have bad skin! Let me take your makeup off"

Jack came out of the bathroom as Tasha was helping me slip a baggy T-shirt over my head. "Oh I'm sorry I thought you'd be finished"

"I am. You're good. I'll be on the couch. Peace out" Tasha said as she left the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Jack began to unbutton his shirt and threw it to the side, then climbed into bed facing away from me.

I turned over and grabbed at him, pulling him closer to me. "Cuddle me pwease" I said, still basically asleep.

He chuckled and put his arms around me, with one hand above me and one around me. He wasn't comfortable so he slid his hand under my head and pillow when suddenly he stopped. He pulled his hand out and looked at what he had just felt. My secret pacifier. He smiled to himself then popped it in my mouth and watched me instantly relax. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead before he too fell asleep.

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