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Don't take this book seriously. I just made it on a whim when the idea came to my head. 💀. I was watching a lot of tv at the time lol



There was nothing I hated more than fancy  dinners my parents forced me attend. Rich people tend to be entitled and snippy, which makes them the worst. All the rich wives talk about how much great accomplishments their crack addict kids have achieved, and all the husbands stand around gloating about the new toys they bought, Whether that be girls, buildings, or a car, its disgusting.

My parents, however, are probably the most normal people at these inane Dinners. Sure we have money , but they weren't born with a silver spoon shoved in their mouths. My father works for everything he has and he made sure me and my brother were educated academically and street wise. he also refuses to be like this old men. He loves my mother more than anyone else in this world and he makes sure to let us know everyday.

Unfortunately, he has to attend these functions with us to mingle and gain connections for his company. So here we are, me and my mother trying not to scream at the most hated woman in the city. Mrs. Lancaster.

Her husband owned a lot of real estate in the city. Everyone was trying to get his business, except my father. He was convinced the man was shady.

"Peyton, Mrs. Lancaster is asking you a question." My mother pinches my side gaining my attention away from the napkin animal I was trying to make.

I look up at Mrs. Lancaster giving her a fake but believable smile, "Sorry about that. Can you repeat the question?"

"I was just asking if you have any candidates for marriage yet? If your father hands the company down to you, you're going to need an heir and your not getting any younger love. You're almost 30, no?" The evil woman smirks while narrowing her blue eyes at me. What an evil white woman.

Im not sure where she heard that from since I happen to be 22 years old.

"No Ma'am, but don't worry about me. My night always ends with the possibility of an heir. The men in this city are so talented." I give her a big smile as I watch her face turn into disappointment and disgust.

She scoffs and walks away from us making a note to look overly disgusted. My mother looks to be trying to look upset but I can see she's holding back a laugh.

"Peyton I told you not to do say anything weird to her tonight. We have to respect these people for the companies sake." She gives me a serious look.

"Sorry, but if I'm going to take over the company I'm going to show them they can't talk to me like that just because I don't look like them." I rest my arms on the table while sighing.

"Elbows off the table," my mother says tapping my arms, "I know how you feel, but I want you to handle it with more tact. Kill them with kindness so they don't have anything bad to say."

I nod my head understanding what she means. What I say affects the company and our clients. I look to my left to see my father ending his conversation with some other men. Maybe we'll leave.

He comes over to us and immediately goes over to my mother kissing her forehead lightly, making her grin like a schoolgirl.

"I wanna leave so bad. These damn people got me goin' crazy." My father whispers. Me and my mother laugh quietly at his words.

"You're daughter is too much like you. You two be nice and we'll leave soon." My mother scolds us both.

I roll my eyes as my father looks at his like she's a red rose in a field of weeds. It's disgusting.

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