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Throughout the night I kept waking up at small noises. Needless to say its 9 in the morning and I'm exhausted. I kept thinking he as going to come back and smash through the glass. Another loud knock comes from my room door. I jump up and clutch my imaginary pearls.

"Peyton, sweetie, its Mommy. Your Brother and Tessa are here for breakfast." My mother speaks referring to my sister-in-law. she's an evil witch.

"Ill be down in second." I yell back.

I get out of bed and head to bathroom to take a quick shower before starting my day. As soon as I close the door I think I hear a thud. its faint but it makes me worried. I feel my heart start to pick up speed and my hands get clammy.

Im probably just being paranoid because of the guy last night. I laugh it off and then continue to take a shower. I wash my body and then wrap a towel around me to get some clothes. I leave the bathroom and head toward my dresser. I grab some underwear and a bra and change. I freeze as I feel someones presence. I run for my bedroom door but im pulled back by my neck.

The first thing I think to do? Ragdoll. my body goes completely limp causing the man to drop me, probably out of confusion. I stay on the ground with my eyes clothes pretending to be dead or unconcious.

I can feel his body heat near my boy as he hovers over me. he has each knee at each side my body practically straddling me. I wait a second before bringing a knee up and kneeing him as fast as I could in his crotch. I feel him get up and falters bit so I open my eyes and stand up. Its the same man. he recovers quickly and comes toward me. He's huge at least 6'3 and this time he has a hood on and a mask that covers his whole entire face.

Suddenly I remember that my dad bought me a gun a year ago. He told me to put it in the bathroom but I didnt listen and put it in my closet. I glance toward my closet, trying to think of a way to get it, but the man reads my mind and blocks my way.

"Listen, im hungry and just want to go have breakfast with my brother and his witch wife. Can we do this later? Maybe even get to know each other a little better?" I say feeling exasperated.

he tilts his head like he did last time and looks genuinely confused.

"Do you not speak English? Kill. Me. Later." I say slowly.

Something clicks in his brain as he fixes his head and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a knife and charges at me. I yelp and quickly lunge towards my bed. His knife ends up sticking into my wall.

"Noo, we just painted those." I say wanting to cry. my beautiful walls.

The man lets out a grunt and pulls the knife out of the wall and turns back to me. I crawl of my bed making a beeline to my closet, quickly opening it and pulling the gun out. before I can even aim it properly at him he knocks it out of my hands and pushes me against the closet choking me. he puts the knife to my throat and all I can think is 'how dare I find this hot?'


A weird buzzing noise comes from somewhere on him and immediately he lets go of me. He backs away from me and walks back out to the balcony doing the same thing he did last time. As soon as he jumps my brother barges into my room. Did he know my brother was coming?

"Yo, what are you doing? Mom won't let us eat until you co-" he looks at me shocked and then turns around quickly.

"Please put some clothes on Peyton."

I look down totally forgetting I was only wearing a bra and panties.I quickly grab a summer dress out of my closet and slip it on, "Sorry, im dressed."

He turns around and looks around my room, "Did you bring a guy back here from the party or something? Your room looks like you did it everywhere." He scrunches his face up in disgust.

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