Chapter 13

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After coming back inside again I quickly go to find my girls. My family lights up my life more than anything. I pick up little Lina. She stares at me with her big blue eyes. "Hello beautiful..." I gently stroke her cheek and she smiles. Elijah quietly comes into the room and we turn to him. I gasp and approach him.
"Look who it is! It's daddy!"

"Hi my sweet girl." He kisses her tiny head before turning to Amy. "You know your papa wasn't gonna come in without saying hello to you too," he chuckles, picking her up and smothering her in kisses, causing her to squeal and let out the cutest little laugh I've ever heard, of course making her sister laugh too.

"Uh oh Lina, the kissy monsters are gonna get you too!!" I attack her with smooches as well, making her laugh even more. Ross and Jru hear the squeals and uncontrollable baby laughter and can't help but find themselves coming to see what's going on.

"What is happening in here?" My sister laughs a bit as she steps into the room.

"The most beautiful thing in the world, baby laughter." I smile at her, stopping from the attack of kisses on Lina's chubby little freckled cheeks.

"Is that so?" She came over, rubbing my back a bit and cooing at her niece.

"I can't wait to have our own joyous baby laughter." Ross says, coming up behind her gently hugging her waist, rubbing her very small belly with his hands. She's just barely starting to show.

"You sure about that? Cause it took you long enough to put one in me." She huffs.

"I said I was sorry!!" He starts kissing her shoulder and cheek repetitively.

"I'm teasing...even though I'm still pissed at you."

"You know I love you right?" He looks at her.

"Mm...I love you too." She rolls her eyes before turning to giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"That's my girl." He smiles smothering her in more kisses making her break into laughter and kiss him back. Lina laughs hearing her auntie giggle.

"Hey! Not in front of the children," I playfully cover Lina's eyes.

"Oh come on brother~, they won't remember a thing. I'm sure you and Elijah aren't exactly quiet at night." I blush bright red and Elijah clears his throat.

"Hey would you guys like to watch the girls for a little? I wanna take Josi for a walk."

"You do?" I raise a brow.

"I do."

"Umm long will you be gone?" Ross asks.

"An hour...maybe 2. Depends."

"Depends on what?" I ask him, squinting at him. Elijah is being sneaky and I'm onto it.

"Don't worry about it, come on." I sigh and hand Lina off to Jru and Elijah gives Amy to Ross.

"We'll be back." He tells them, taking my hand and pulling me along.

"Okay, where exactly are you taking me mister?" He looks at me and just smiles, ignoring my question. "Uh- hello? I'm talking to you!" He only chuckles and drags me along. I huff, pulling my hand away. "Okay, that gives! I'm not moving until you tell me!"

He turns around to look at me before scoffing. "You really are stubborn." Not a moment later, he scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder- a height I'm not used to.

"Hey! Put me down!" I squirm in protest but he's got a secure hold on my waist and thighs. Eventually I give up and he walks us along for a while before we stop. He then sets me down.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now