Chapter 25

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-Elijah's POV-

After talking with Josi, he decides to take a nap with the girls...god, they're so perfect. I watch them sleep for a while until eventually my brother comes knocking.

"Are you decent?" He whispers the question through the door.

"Yes, come in," I let out a soft chuckle. Rowan then steps into the room.

"Wanna help me train in the gym? I want to build more muscle for our battle with Liam."

"Of course, man. Lemme just leave a note for Josi and we can go. I think I'm in the mood to punch out my feelings a little."

"I think everyone could've guessed you and Josi had a fight."

"We're fine now. We really talked it out and got to the real root of our problems...I told him about all the bad shit that went down with Liam when we were young."

"So that's why you wanna punch out your feelings...having to remember all that sucks. I would know. The memory of what we did together...I can't believe I let him mark me." Rowan cringes at the memory.

"It's healed now that you rejected him at least. Just don't let him get close to you again." I stand up and go to the nightstand and open the drawer, pulling out a pack of multicolor post-its that Josi picked out, and a black pen. I write down that Rowan and I are going to be spending some time training. I press the post-it to the door and leave it closed so Josi can see it when he wakes up. I give him a gentle kiss on the head which he thankfully doesn't wake from. I think I've put him through quite enough already so he deserves to rest a little. I admire him for a couple moments before heading out of our bedroom with my brother who then rolls his eyes at me because I'm so 'taken by my mate'. It's been only a short time since my brother and I have been back in the same together. It's strange but the two of us are still close like we never were separated. We laugh and goof off just the same. Only difference is we're all grown up now. He's shorter than I thought he would be when I first saw him again.

"So honestly, say all goes right in the world and we take Liam prisoner- we don't kill him, what's your plan after that? Do you give him a sentence? A public punishment? What's the plan here?"

"We'll know that when we get there. As of right now? I don't know what will happen. I just know that the plan is to take him alive. If we have no other choice, it's him or us. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"You're a better man than me. If I had it my way, I woulda had the bastard killed but that's just me. The fucker has done enough." My brother huffs in frustration.

"We took out his nephew with no hesitation. We have to act more civil and fair otherwise it's gonna look like we have a vendetta against their family and not the other way around. Josi's mother was literally a slave in the trade starting off with Darius' father. It all went downhill from there- generation after generation. The fued is endless as of right now. Two leading alphas from their family have been killed for their crimes against the crown but both cases had a lack of open investigation. There's no outstanding proof that we investigated what went down. We don't wanna look like we're just stereotyping every Browar man by saying that every one of them is evil and has some agenda against the crown. They all lack proper judgement of who they're dealing with and are impulsive when it comes to making decisions but from an outsider's prospective, we may be quick to be judge, jury, and executioner. Especially with matter what actually went down, we have judgments coming from all corners of the world. Right now, they don't know a war is about to go down and I would hope not to. People are supposed to be coming from all corners of the world to celebrate the girl's first birthday soon so we need to resolve this quickly. Being kings of the collective werewolf race is a lot of responsibility but also we have to be socialites to continue the ruse that we have everything under absolute control. We have to remind the werewolf world of who we are. A lot of them saw this at our wedding but I think it would make sense for us to find any excuse to reiterate that now with the girl's birthday quickly approaching. We also need to make the big announcement sooner than later. Someone is bound to start asking questions if we don't answer them first."

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