Chapter 9

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"I can't believe was Jade all along?"

"I knew we couldn't trust these new kids so easily...but Jade...Jade was the fucking spy all along..." Elijah pushes his own hair back with his hand. "I just don't understand why. He was so loyal. He was good to you off the bat...I wonder if it was ever even real."

"I don't want to believe that...we were so close..." I look at the boy in the ground in disappointment, "He was using me all along..."

"So what do you wanna do?"

"Take him to the holding cells...tell me when he comes to..."

"Alright.." he picks Jade up and puts him over his shoulder before leaving the room. I sigh painfully, knowing that the person I was really beginning to trust was the one who was betraying me all along. He knows about intimate things in my life that I didn't tell anyone but Elijah, Ross and my sister...things I'll never tell anyone else ever again. He ruined that for me. At least we now know who's been behind's been months of  plotting...I really can't believe that he was suspicious when I was still pregnant.

There's no way we could've known what would happen. Liam is a sneaky bastard but he's smart.

But what do we do now? If we kill jade for what he's done, Liam will know that we figured out how he was getting his information. He tried to act nonchalant at the party but I could see it in his eyes, he knew what he was doing.

Then...we devise a plan so that Jade reports to us. I'd like to think the relationship we had with him was somewhat real. He did seem to care.

It could've been all an act...I can't trust him anymore.

I don't either but it's possible he might be able to do something. I sigh. I don't know whether or not I should do it but I turn to my girls and think about how I could be protecting them better. They need to be safe. If Jade can do that then I shouldn't hesitate. Once he wakes up, we're going to have to talk. After some time, I go back to sleep. In the morning, I'm being shaken by my sister. "Hey, wake up Josi."

"Hm...hey sis. What's up?" I sit up and look at her.

"I just wanted to bother stomach kept me up all night." She sits next to me on my bed.

"You doing okay with the pregnancy? I know you were worried it wouldn't be safe for you."

"I's the same as the first time though. Ross has been so attentive since I stopped being mad at him for what he did. He's been super sweet. I feel at ease for the most part. Are you and Elijah planning to grow your family?"

"I hope so. I love him and trust me, the sex while I'm in heat is amazing but...I feel like my babies may never be safe...I don't know how to keep them safe..."

"Well Elijah will protect them til the day he dies."

"I know he will," I sigh, "I want to be able to fight for them too. I'm weak...and fragile..."

"No, you are so strong Josi. You've been through hell, not to mention you lasted through your pregnancy full term with that stress."

"It wasn't easy, trust me..."

"But you still did it," she grabs my shoulders "Josilus, you are the strongest person I've ever met." I smile at her.

"Thank you Jru...I get a lot of my strength because I have you on my side."

"Hey, we were born together for a reason."she smiles at me before I give her a tight hug.

"Yeah we were. We were born best friends."

"Alright. Let me get some time with my nieces and you go see what Elijah's up to."

"Thank you..." I nod and head the holding cells where I know Elijah is keeping a close eye on Jade.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now