Chapter 27

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Another month passes, we've all been training in preparation for the big day, I've been checking with the therapist every week and seen some improvements. It's getting almost impossible for me to hide my pregnancy with morning sickness like clockwork, I wouldn't be surprised if someone caught on by now. D-day is today and I won't have to hide it anymore. in the meantime my mother has given me a concoction to mask my scent at least. I've been wearing mostly Eli's shirts now just to feel more comfortable. Hopefully no one has noticed the tiniest changes in my body, if they did they haven't brought it up. It's the crack of dawn, first thing I do this morning is run to the toilet to throw up whatever is in my stomach. I can't bare to eat much. I can't keep most of it down anyway. I honestly don't know if it's nerves or morning sickness at this point. I rub my stomach as I sit on the bathroom floor after heaving out whatever's left in me. "Come on can't give me a break for just one day?" I sigh, quietly talking to my babies. Eli has gotten it into my head that they are boys and I've started to believe it myself. I find my strength to stand after a little while. I flush the toilet and then walk over to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I look a hot mess, hair pointing every which way but I have to get it together. Today I have to lead my people into battle. I decided I have to at least try and look presentable, I am their king and commanding officer after all. I wash my hands and my face before jumping into the shower. Mid shower, my husband joins in, kissing my shoulder.

"You okay?" He asks, comfortingly rubbing my arm from behind me.

"I'm alright. Just nerves..."

"I were talking in your sleep, maybe having a nightmare again. You were thrashing a lot so I held you until you were still in my arms before going back to sleep...are you sure you don't want to pay Nathan a visit before we dive headfirst into this?"

"I'm sure. We can't afford to wait anymore. I have to do this, we have to do this."  I turn around to look at him. "We've suffered enough." I tell him, voice full of determination. He nods, understanding how frustrated I am.

"Okay, okay I understand. I won't ask you anymore." He kisses my head and we wash each other up. Once we finish, we get dressed which for some reason seems to drag. I feel heavy thinking about what we have to do today, who we could lose today.... I'm terrified but there's no turning back now. By now Liam had to have caught wind that we have been planning an attack. Right now is the only time to strike. Just as I'm lost in my thoughts, I feel Eli's hand hold mine tight.
"Hey, we've got this. If you need me, you howl and I'll come running." I nod, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I know, I know you will. I love you, okay?" I tell him, still shaking like I may never get the chance to tell him that again.

"I love you too. Let's go meet everyone." He kisses my hands before walking me down the stairs to meet our pack. The two of us are met by every warrior and all of those trained to fight for this moment...for us. They are all willing to lay down their lives to protect us and our family. Jru and my mom have the girls while Ross and my dad will be joining us in the fight. I look at Jru and she looks back at me the same way. We say everything we need to with our eyes. She is my twin after all. I then look to my baby girls...this is for them, to protect them from a man who twisted the minds of my husband, his brother and so many more people like them. I can't let that happen to my Lina. I can't let him mold her into that way of life. I turn to my pack now, they're all waiting to hear my voice, to hear me give them an empowering speech...something to give them morale I can assume.

"I know you believe in Elijah and are our pack members, our subordinates, our loyal subjects but you more importantly, are our family, friends, you are apart of us. So I will say this. If there is anyone who does not wish to lay their life down on the line for me, I will not hold it against you. I'd rather you be here, the safest fortress we have. I wish you didn't fight in this fight between Liam and I because I love you all just as much and don't want to lose any of you. I know about a year ago we mourned the loss of family and friends by the nephew of the man we plan to face today. I would completely understand any of you sitting this one out. I would be a lot happier knowing you are a lot safer here than facing that ruthless man. So please if you would like to step back, now would be the time." My heart is heavy but it is with all of them. They each look between each other before Davina steps forward, looking directly towards me.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now