Chapter 32(Christmas Special)

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A Christmas gift from me to you....and something to look forward to 😉

-Lina's POV-

It's Christmas morning and the kingdom has tripled in size throughout the years. This year is the biggest one of them all. Packs from all around the world have come to celebrate with the royal family. My sister and I are crowned the queens now but she the only one of the two of us with a mate...I'm still alone. Even our brothers have mates before me. Papa says I have nothing to worry about and things will come together in their own time. I'll be 21 before the summer is over. I can't spend another year of heats writhing in pain. Papa suggests I go on suppressants temporarily but I refuse to take them. They're addictive for their hallucinogenic properties. You're supposed to take them 24 hours before your heat cycle is supposed to arrive and they'll take full effect when it does, putting you into a state of euphoria rather than pain. Much like being high but honestly I feel like it would only make things worse. I'm standing on the balcony connected to my room, warm coffee in hand. The warriors are up early as usual, Dad is still the captain, training his subordinates. I feel Papa hug me from behind.
"Merry Christmas my darling princess." He says, I can feel his smile against my back.

"Merry Christmas papa." I smile and turn around to hug him back.

"How are you feeling today?" He tucks a snow white curl behind my ear.

"Im okay...I'll survive," I tell him matter-of-factly.

"'I'll survive'? Really sweetie?" He pouts. Papa is short in comparison to me. The height I have comes from my dad really. I look down to him with a slight frown.

"Well what else should I say? I'm having the best day of my life? That I'm happy I'm still alone?"

"You're not alone, you have us, your family." He tells me. I sigh. He always uses that reason to make me feel better but it doesn't. Family isn't enough to make me feel whole. The goddess intended it to be that way. My other half is out there somewhere waiting for me too. I've considered going on a trip to find them on my own but my parents would never let me go... not willingly. I rub his arm.

"I appreciate the sentiment but I won't be fine until I find my mate, Papa. So, yes, I am surviving the best I can. I will try to enjoy the day to the fullest anyways. Don't worry." I try to reassure him but he still has that worry in his eyes. "Next year will be different, I can feel it," I smile at him, telling this lie I barely believe myself. He nods, finally giving up on his mission to cheer me up.

"Okay, Princess." He caresses my cheek. "Will you come down for some actual breakfast?"

"Yeah...there's just one thing I need to do first. I'll meet you down there."

"Okay. See you then." He nods and leaves my room. I take a deep breath before finishing my coffee and heading out. I head to the same place whenever I feel the most down. It started when I was about 10...for some reason I have always felt drawn to him. I could never put my finger on why. I'm not his mate, that's for damn sure. But I see...something in him that makes me feel like he's family or something. It might be delusional but he's always treated me kindly...despite his situation. I told the guards very early on that I would make sure they would suffer if they ever told my parents about my visits because they would forbid it, even being as old as I am. I reach the cell door, waiting for the guards to open it for me, like usual. They give me their usual judging stares but they do as they've been instructed to every time I visit. I step into the cell room, looking at the sealed glass confinement the graying wolf is permanently being held. He stands and walks up to the glass, his enchanted chains jingling and clanking against each other and the cemented floor.

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