Chapter 2

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After heading down the stairs, we're greeted by a beautiful candlelight dinner. I'm surprised by my sister's ability to cook this and make everything look so fancy. " didn't have to do all this..."

"Actually I did. You think I can't sense when you're depressed? You're my twin."

I sigh. "I know....thank you." I walk over to her and give her a hug. "When did you learn to cook like this anyway?"

"Well I had a bit of help but since you're almost always in bed, I've been doing some cooking with Ross. Mom and dad keep going on trips since we've taken over so I'm trying to be independent. He really retired." She laughs.

"It's well deserved. He's been king for a long time." I nod, going to sit down. Elijah pushes my seat in for me.

"He's been king longer than we've been alive," Elijah says, sitting across from me.

"He's been a great king...our heirs are the next ones to rule...but I don't want them to get it in their heads that they're really royals until they're grown up enough."

"I agree," Elijah nods, "but when Jru has her heirs, whats the line of succession going to be? They can't all be the kings or queens...we could be having twin girls for all we know," he laughs.

"You're not wrong about that. I think it would only be right if Jru's kids were first in line. She is the true ruler after all."

"Now, now, stop with that. You know what, your kids are first born so they get first pick. If they so choose to opt out then it's okay."

"No we're not doing that- ah..." I close my eyes and wince a little, my hand immediately touching the source of my pain; my stomach.

"Josi, you okay??"

"Y-yeah...I'm fine..." I nod, still not completely sure but the last thing I want is for Elijah to yell at the doctor over nothing. I'm tired of tests every time I get a hard kick or something.

"Be honest with me Josi...I'll call the doctor and-"

"No! I'm not seeing the doctor until these babies are on their way out of me. I've got a few weeks until then so I don't want to see his stupid face again  until then, got it?" I snap at him- I never really snap like that but I have had my moments.

"Okay...I get it. No more doctor." He puts his hands up in a surrender.

"I'm sorry for snapping...I'm just tired of the worry...too much worrying...I can't even enjoy this pregnancy or the time we spend bonding over it because of all the worry! I just want to relax...that's all I want. Asking the doctor for help every five minutes and doing tests all the time is stressful and exhausting and I just don't want to do it anymore. I just wanna chill, enjoy my new husband and the experience of carrying these babies."

"Okay, I hear you...I didn't realize it was that serious for you...I promise I'll let you relax."

"Thank you..." I take a deep breath, "now I can enjoy my dinner with you." I take his hand and smile.

"Okay. Let's eat then. Jru, thank you for cooking and setting this up but I think we alone."

"Oh! Right- yeah sorry I'll just-yep!" She was a little frazzled but she made her way out of the room, probably too find Ross.

"Thank you..." I kiss his knuckles and the back of his hand.

After some time, we finish eating and decide to take a calming stroll as the sun sets. Passing by the warriors, they look almost stunned when they see me outside. They scramble to their feet, sharp and lined up in front of their kings and captain.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now