Chapter 4

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A few weeks pass, I'm up and about just like I was before. The baby weight is already shredding off. Elijah helps when he can. He's very busy basically handling the whole pack on his own. The wins are a handful, I've cried a few times getting frustrated but my mom helps and everything is fine again. Both of the girls have my striking blue eyes and their hair is even growing fast like mine does. Lina's hair is curling up beautifully. I love playing with her little hairs...I think it's a mixture of my loose waves and Darius' tight coils. No one seems to have questioned her paternity yet, thank goodness. Elijah is quite tan so I think they believe her skin tone comes from him. The last thing I want is for word to spread about her not being Elijah's to Darius' uncle. In the mean time, I've been trying to teach them how to shift. As werewolves, we can do it at a very young age. Starting the process as early as possible will make the connection between wolf and human strong for life because the wolf is growing and developing at the same pace. The babies are just small pups but they will be able to shift soon. I've been practicing outside a little. Young Jade has been coming to visit me. He's been very sweet and helping when Elijah hasn't been around- like a little brother. I'm not sure of what his deal is. He hasn't told me anything about himself since we met but I'm fine with the company. He gets along well with Lina. She loves playing with him. Currently the babies are sleeping. I hear a knock at my door and it's Jru, she looks a bit upset.

"What's wrong sis?" I ask her, taking her hands so she can sit down with me on the bed.

"Ross told me he was faking it when we were trying for a baby months ago! I wanna kill him!" She has tears in her eyes.

"He told you then...that means're pregnant!"I smile but my sister only starts to sob.

"You knew and you didn't tell me?! Why would you do that to me, we tell each other everything!"

"I felt it would be worse coming from me...I'm sorry. I was upset with him for it too when he told me." Jru wipes her eyes.

"'re would've been worse if he didn't tell me himself but it hurts that he told you first..."

"Well, he wanted advice from a friend. If he didn't talk to me first, I wouldn't be expecting a niece or nephew right now would I??" I smile at her, gently wiping away her tears. "He loves you...he was just scared."

"I know...I'm...still scared myself but I want to be a mom...I want to provide an heir.."

"So dutiful...but I understand what you mean. At least now you know you can!" I try to lift her spirits. She smiles a little.

"Thanks for listening to me complain," she laughs a bit.

"Any time sis. Anyways, congratulations! I'm so happy I'm finally gonna be an uncle!" I hug her tight. She hugs back.

"Well, it's been long enough."

"You have waited a long while." I nod.

"Mm...I'm gonna go talk to Ross. I'll see if he can make it up to me somehow." She grins.

"Alright. Can you send Elijah my way soon?"

"I can manage that." She nods then kisses my head. "Bye Josi, see you later."

"Bye Jru." I sigh happily, taking in the fact that my sister will finally become a mother...that's until I hear yet another knock on my door.
"Come in." Jade steps in, looks to the babies then looks at me.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now