Chapter 3

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After only a few hours of sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night, restless. I stand up and waddle to the bathroom, hand resting on my back, the other I use to support my weight with the help of the counter. I let out a sigh, not sure what caused me to wake up like this but I try to at least use the bathroom before going back to sleep. The twins were kicking the shit out of me anyways. After using the bathroom I sit on the edge of my side of the bed, rub my belly, trying to get them to relax and maybe even sleep so I can get some rest myself. Elijah wakes up, starting to massage my neck and shoulders.
"The babies keeping you up again..?" I nod in response with a soft, "Mhmm".

"Sit back and relax. I can help." I nod and let him rub my back. It's definitely tense. His hands are working magic though. I'm able to take deep breaths and relax again, that is until I receive yet another pain in most stomach. I wince a little, shaking my head.

"I-I'm fine..." I tell him yet again, only this time I wasn't really sure. The pain subsides for another few minutes before striking again, causing another pained reaction. "Oh...oh god..." I mutter under my breath.

"Josilus, something is wrong....don't tell me not to worry this time."

"Okay...get the doctor..." he nods and quickly gets up, going to get the pack's doctor before shortly returning with him.

"Alright, you're having pains, not just kicking?" I nod. "Any leakage?" I shake my head, no. "Alright...well this is most likely a false alarm since you've still got some weeks left but if it continues and your water breaks, come to me immediately." I nod again.

"Thank you doctor."

"You should relax...don't push yourself too much." He looks at the both of us before heading out again. I sigh.

"I guess he could tell we were busy tonight..." Elijah sighs as well.

"Bed rest means bed rest...I was scared the babies were coming early..."

"I was too honestly..."

"Then you do have to accept this bed rest, just for a few more weeks. Then you'll have happy, healthy babies to hold at the right time."

"I don't want to cause them to come early...that's dangerous...for both me and the babies."

"Exactly," he nods, "I'm going to take leave from my duties for a while to take care of you."


"This is not up for discussion. I should be here more...and you shouldn't be left alone right now." I frown a little.

"Who will take over for you while you're taking care of me?"

"Well, the King consort himself, Ross."

"Ross? You think he's capable to do that?"

"You forget that I watched the rage in him flourish when he tore know who...he's capable, Beta or not."

"Fair enough..." I run a hand through my white locks and look to my husband, "we should get back to pain has subsided for now."

"That's good...well alright then. Lay yourself down."
I want to lay on you.." a small smile grows on his face. He then gets back into bed and cuddles up with me, holding me until we both drift back into sleep.

-A few weeks later-

Time passes with the weeks that go by. I've been on bed rest more diligently with Elijah watching my every move. The false alarms became more frequent. Every time I think that it's finally happening, it isn't. Well today I officially give up on waiting. I get out of bed as Elijah is sleeping and walk downstairs. I can't take it anymore. Elijah bringing me food every 4-5 hours, having to be helped to the bathroom, I'm just over it. Pregnancy is only nice in the beginning. The rest is utter bullshit. I'd rather have them in my arms than in my stomach right now. The pain and weight is just unnecessary. I can barely sleep anymore. I make my way outside, to walk through the garden. After a short while I rest in a bench only to see Ross walk over to me. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

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