Chapter 17

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Once Rowan, my warriors and I arrive at the pack lines, I can hear shouting, chanting of some sort. As we get closer I can hear It's Liam's name they are saying.

"That doesn't sound good." Rowan says. 

"No, it doesn't...let's move in, quietly." I lead my warriors into the area. It seems everyone is in the yard, circled around something...there seems to be a wooden pole of some sort.

"Does anyone see Liam or Elijah?" I whisper to them.

"Not yet, sir," one of the female warriors tells me.

"Keep an eye out. Liam is definitely here and those people are now his followers...tread carefully everyone," I quietly respond to them as we begin to move into the crowd. As everything begins to be more clear, I can finally see Elijah. He's tied to the steak...something you might see at witch trial. Elijah is shirtless and his ribs are visibly bruised if not broken. He looks as if he's been hit in the face several times as well. Of course this makes me livid but I wait to see if Liam will show his face before I make a rash move.  I'm shaking, hoping Elijah can see me in the crowd...he looks so tired and in pain. I want to save him right this second but I need a full confession from Liam of everything so I have the means to take him down. We already have a warrant for his arrest but he'll never confess if we arrest him now. I need the confession first.

"My people!! You all showed for the prosecution of the fool, the man who thought he could lie to us all. I almost got the evidence I needed to prove that the little girl is not his daughter but of course he and his pesky brat of a husband stopped me before I could get to the bottom of it. I know the two of them are lying and hiding all the details but I can see it, I can see him in her. I know you've seen it too! So we will beat the truth out of him if we have to!" Liam preaches to the crowd, walking along the platform that Elijah is being held on.

"Like hell you will!" I get up on the platform, ready to face Liam. I have my phone recording in my pocket. "Why are you doing this Liam? Why can't you leave us alone? I told you everything!"

"No, you left out the part where you had a paternity test that confirmed Darius was Lina's biological father, by some miracle! And you are willing to arrest me for telling the truth!"

"You've broken multiple laws and wolf codes. A big one of those is treason against the royal family. You have to stop, Liam. This has to end somewhere."

"It'll end with that little girl in my arms. She belongs with her blood!"

"I am her blood! I gave birth to her and Elijah and I have been doing a perfectly fine job of raising her. You are not her family, you never will be and neither was Darius. You're just as sick as he was- as your brother was! Your illness is hereditary!" Just then, Liam grabs me by my throat, choking so much I can't even breathe.

"You don't get to speak about them...ever." I guess I struck a nerve. He seems more pissed than I've ever seen him. As I'm being choked, Elijah finally comes to and looks up at me, seeing what Liam's doing. He immediately starts trying to break the chains holding him. Even though he's injured he has enough strength to want to save me.

"Let him go!" He growls, eyes glowing bright red- something I'd never seen in him before.

"And why should I do that? This sorry excuse of king doesn't even deserve the title!" The crowd laughs with him. He then drops me. "Killing you now isn't worth the energy. I'd like to watch you suffer first." He then turns to Elijah, grabbing him by his face which makes him pull away in disgust.

"Don't fucking touch me you rogue filth!" Elijah spits at him.

"Oh, you're one to talk! You used to be one of them, along with your brother. Rowan~? Rowan are you out here somewhere~?" Liam chimes as he calls for Elijah's brother. Elijah's eyes widen in shock...a revelation he never expected.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now