Chapter 6

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"Brother? You never told me you had a brother." I look to my mate, confused and curious about his erratic behavior over it. I

"There's many things about my past you don't know about...I've only told your father about my life before this."

"Could you tell me??"

"Later, right now, we need to find the doctor. I don't understand how no one is here."

"I was confused about that too...where could they possibly have gone without telling us...?"

"I'm not sure..." he sighs. "Call your sister and see what's goin on." I nod and head upstairs to grab my phone, calling Jru.

"Hey, is your date over already?"

"Jru! Where are you?"

"We're at Micah's. He was having a get together and invited the whole pack. Don't worry, I've got the girls close."

" the doctor with you?"

"Yeah, did something happen??"

"Elijah's brother showed up and he's hurt pretty bad."

"Brother? He has a brother?"

"Yeah, also to my surprise but he's in the house. Can you send the doctor back?"

"Yeah. I'll send the nurse too just in case."

"Alright. Thanks sis. Also come home soon, the girls need their sleep."

"Yes mom." She laughs.

"Shut you sis."

"Love you too bro. See you later." I end the call with that and return to Elijah.

"Rowan, it's gonna be're gonna be safe here." I hear my husband say softly.

"Is he awake?"

"Yeah, he's awake. He's in a lot of pain." I kneel down beside him and look at the bloodied wolf in front of me.

"Rowan...that's your name?"

"Y-yes...Rowan Rune...I'm assuming my brother hasn't really mentioned me..." Elijah's ears lower a bit. I'm "It's okay baby bro, your husband should know how much of a disappointment his in-laws are-" after that he goes into a bit of a coughing fit.

"You know we're married?"

"The world knows..." his cough finally settles and he shifts his body a little to look at the two of us. "I also know I'm an uncle now."

"Hey and why are you here??"

"Well...I heard my brother was married and had twins with the prince. I hadn't seen him in years...we got separated when we were young...I became a full on rogue and he found his way to safety and apparently he's made his way to happiness as well. He's got it all now. Of course when I wanted to leave the group I was in so I could see you, they gave me a farewell present." He winces and let out a sharp whine when he sits up. A rib of his must be broken.

"Take it easy, brother..." Elijah tells him. Once I get a good look at the wolf in front of me, I can see all his scars, old and new. His left eye is closed, if he'd be in his human form he'd probably have a pretty bad shiner. He has dark brown fur with patches of black speckled through it...kind of like freckles almost.

"I'll be fine...I'm supposed to be the big brother, I'm supposed to take care of you," he strains, letting out a little bit of a whine as he struggles to hold himself up.

"You should be laying down, Rowan. Your injuries shouldn't be added to by you trying to be macho," I tell him. Rowan lets out a dry chuckle.

"This little mate of yours is bossy, isn't he?"

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now