Chapter 28

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-Josi's POV-

After we made it back home, telling Micah's family that he was dead was the most painful thing I've ever had to go through. He was a loyal friend, unmatched ally, a fantastic father and husband to his family. He didn't deserve the fate he was given. He deserved to watch his boys grow up find their own mates, to spend the rest of his days with his wife as our kids became the best of friends...but he won't get that luxury. He wanted his revenge on Liam only to die trying to get it. friend...I will miss you and pray the goddess takes care of you in the afterlife. You deserve that much. We didn't have many casualties but the ones we did tore me apart. I almost didn't show up for the funerals but I knew I had to. They showed up for me so I had to show up for them. After all the mourning and sorrow, I didn't even wish to announce the joy of my second pregnancy. I mostly stayed tucked away in my bedroom, taking care of the girls and trying to spend as much time with the families that lost their loved ones as I could. It felt like the sun would never shine on our pack after all that happened...but this morning I wake up and feel...different about today. It's been weeks since everything happened. We've all been in mourning but I suddenly feel hopeful about today. I have an appointment with Nathan again. Elijah has been busy. We've decided to assimilate our pack with Micah's because yet again, they were left without a leader...all because of me. Sometimes I feel like the blood on my hands will never wash away....but I have to be optimistic...just for today. I walk out of my bedroom door and head down the stairs. To meet Nathan and Elijah in his clinic.

"Josilus, Elijah, it's good to see you both again. How are you feeling today, Josilus?"

"Morning sickness is still present but I have a better appetite lately, I'm trying to get more sleep as well."

"Good, that's good to hear. Any nightmares still?"

"Sometimes, yes...they creep in but not as much anymore. I hoped they would stop by now."

"Have you gone and seen Liam since your battle with him?"

"No...?" I reply in almost a question.

"Perhaps there is some closure you still need. Maybe a life sentence wasn't enough for you to feel free from the past."

"Are you my therapist now, Nathan?" I chuckle.

"No. Just friendly advice from your doctor and friend."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it."

"Good. Now lay down and let me take a look at you." I nod and hop up on the table before lifting my shirt- well, Elijah's shirt, and look over at the screen while my husband takes my hand into his, kissing the back of it. I glance over at him and smile. "It's gonna be a bit cold." Nathan says as he puts the jelly on the wand for the ultrasound. He places it on my lower belly and swivels it around, his eyes on the screen which in turn pulls my attention again as well.

"So, how's it looking, doc?" Elijah asks.

"Good, perfectly healthy twins. Identical as well."

"That's good. I'm glad." I sigh in relief.

"No strain this time which is very good. It looks like you may have a relaxing long as you stay out of trouble." Nathan shoots me a look.

"Ah- hey none of that was my fault."

" does seem to follow you but things are looking up for you. I want to see you more often just to make sure that strain stays away. Okay? Can I trust you to make sure he doesn't do too much?" He looks to Elijah.

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