Chapter 11

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After some time planning and bouncing ideas off each other on how to save the girl and free Jade from the shackles that Liam has on him, we came to a solution. One that would hopefully keep everyone alive. Our plan is to go to Liam directly, well- Elijah and I. We'll distract him while our warriors infiltrate and go after Jade's sister. She's the priority here and all we can do is hope we can find her before Liam notices a thing.
"You ready for this?" Elijah asks me.

"No, not really but I'll try my best." I smile at him. 

"Alright. Let's do this thing." He knocks on the door, hoping he'll answer.

"Josilus...Elijah," he looks at the two of us, "I wasn't expecting you."

"Well that's because last we talked we left rather abruptly and a bit upset I might add. May we come in?"

"Alright...come on in." He steps aside and we walk in. He looks around before closing the door behind us.

"So you came to apologize then?"

"No...we came to simply address it."

"Is that so? What exactly are you planning to get out of this?"

"The truth seems you were having a nice party without informing the king of course. I do deserve a formal invitation being that it is my woods you roam in. My friend may be the alpha but he is not me or my husband. Therefore any parties should be brought to my attention- especially if you are going to be taking the queen and my heirs from my estate to participate in such activities. I believe you're quite aware she's pregnant again."

"Ah yes. I've heard whisperings of her rainbow child. Is she doing well?"

"She is. Her husband has made sure of that. I think we recall your nephew was the one who took their first child."

" was a tragedy- one that could've been avoided had someone sent for me sooner. I was unable to save my brother but my nephew...there might've been a chance from what I was told. He was a confused boy with good intentions but he was in no position to be an alpha."

"And you are?"

"By blood, yes. The line of succession would have fallen to me had I not been away being a nomad."

"You mean a rogue."

"Nomad, rogue, same thing."

"No, not really. Rogues have a mind about instinctual ruthlessness- or perhaps those in charge at least do."

"What are you trying to say Josilus? That I am a ruthless individual?"

"You may have the packs people fooled but I know who you are inside and what you're capable of. It's the same as your brother and nephew...that is hereditary and you just can't help but to hurt people as you go. You like chaos, disruption of balance and peace. It's what you thrive on."

"These are some strong words, Josilus." He tightens his jaw a bit.

"It's King Josilus to you." I glare at him. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment...searching for any type of waiver in them, neither of us flinch then suddenly he reaches over to pat Elijah's shoulder.

"You have a feisty little mate. Cute, but feisty." Elijah  shrugs him off.

"I am not cute!" I retort, clearly not enjoying this belittlement.

"No, you're adorable but you are the strongest person I know." Elijah tries to calm me down from my defensiveness. I sigh.

"Whatever...what I'm trying to get at is that you've been causing a disruption ever since you got here and I'm getting tired of letting it slide. Why are you still here? You know why your nephew died, you got your answers so why are you really still here?"

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now