Chapter 21

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After a cuddle and aftercare session, Elijah and I are showered and beginning preparations for tomorrow morning's meeting. I make sure Micah and his sons are fed and taken care of, set up in a room until they can go home safely. I soon receive word Aurora is awake and aware of her surroundings. There seems to be no memory damage which is a very good sign. She's a strong willed woman, already trying to get up and move but with her other minor injuries, Micah forces her to stay in bed until she heals. That Liam...he's hurt too many people I care about. We're going to take him down soon enough.
After Elijah and I make our rounds, we meet back up, Eli taking one my shaking hands, noticing my nerves were on the fritz.

"Hey, what's wrong? What's got you worked up? I thought you were okay."

"What if we can't win...? This is a war we're talking about. What if...what if I can't protect our people like when Darius...when he..." I can't even finish my sentence, remembering the bloodbath that scattered around our pack over a year prior. I squeezed my eyes shut as flashes of the carnage return to the forefront of my memories.

"You have to stop doubting yourself. You can't control what the outcome is but you can try your damn hardest to get us where you want us all to be. Safe and happy. You can do this." He kisses my hand a couple times and gives me that signature reassuring smile that melts all my worries and makes me feel secure. "Maybe we should go see that therapist the doctor recommended a little earlier than expected. You've been more anxious lately than ever."

"You're right, I have been. It could be a good idea. I've been so stressed lately and it's not good for the little one." He nods in agreement, gently touching my stomach. I'm not showing enough for everyone to see it but of course he knows I'm worried about our newest addition to the family.

"Let's give 'em a call."

"Okay, wanna head upstairs?" I ask him, holding his hand.

"Yeah, let's go." He nods, leading me upstairs, back to our bedroom before grabbing the business card and calling the number and taking a seat on the fresh sheets we put on. I'm of course, sitting in his lap as he's calling. As it rings, he just stares at me, playing with my white waves. He knows exactly what to do to keep me calm. Finally, someone picks up.

"Dr. Akhila Noble's, how can I assist you?"

"Hi, this is Elijah. My husband, Josilus McClain-Rune made an appointment to come see you with me accompanying him at a later date but we were hoping we could get a session in a little early. He's really been stressed lately and he wants to get help sooner than later. Is there a chance we could get a session in today?"

"You're actually in luck. My final session canceled on me. How's 8pm for you?"

"That works," I speak up. "The girls will be with my sister and her husband. An hour or two will be good."

"I think so too." Elijah nods, giving me a smile.

"It's settled then."

"Good to hear. Thank you for taking us on short notice."

"Of course. Anything for a friend of Nathan's."

"Alright, see you soon," We tell her.

"See you soon," She replies then call ends.

"I'm glad we're doing this now. I'm only going to get worse if we don't nip this in the bud."

"I agree. I want you to be okay with all you're going through and Nathan is always trustworthy. I would think if he trusts her, we should too."

"Yeah. He wouldn't lead us to someone we couldn't trust especially when it's something so personal."

"Yeah, definitely not." He sighs. "Should we let your sister and Ross know we're going to be a little late picking up the girls?"

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now