Chapter 24

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After Elijah and I settled our argument we parted to handle some preparations but I still feel unsettled about the whole thing. I feel like it shouldn't have happened, like it was something made up or something we could just forget and laugh about later is real, it did happen. I'm rethinking so many things now and fear about my relationship is something I never truly faced with Elijah, nor did I expect to. I love Elijah so much that I could scream it from the mountain tops but we have issues that may have been unchecked for too long. Some we may have just ignored because we are just so in love with each other- blinded by it even but now, it has all come to light. I never knew things would be like this when we got married, I never thought it ever could. Not long after I leave the meeting room, my sister comes up to me, seeing that I've been crying, she cups my cheeks.

"What did he say to you? If he upset you, I'll kill him." She says, examining me, making sure I'm alright.

"You're not killing anyone, Jru. Can we go talk outside?" She nodded.

"Of course, come on." She wastes no time taking my hand and pulling me outside to the bench to sit and talk. "Tell me what's going on."

"We fought over me fighting on the front lines with him, of course. He doesn't want me getting hurt or losing the baby...but it went further than hurt deeper than just a spat over me being safe. I'm not okay, Jru, Im just not..." I start tearing up again, fighting the urge to cry over the stress I feel in my heart right now.

"Do not waste another tear. I know you might think this is all just hormones making you upset and feel like you want to cry but you listen to me. You know when you and your mate are not good. Your bond is so strong that you both are tethered to each other's feelings so if you feel like Elijah is not being honest with his intentions then you go with your gut because your gut is always right." She takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. "Give yourself time, Josi. He will want to talk it out more because he will sense that you're unsettled."

"Okay...I hope you're right...I can't handle our marriage being in shambles along with everything else. I just can't handle that right now."

"I know but I believe you both can resolve this quickly. He loves you more than life itself and I know you love him too. Fight for the good in your marriage. It will take you far once you've resolved all that is in your way." I nod in agreement. My sister always has the right words to encourage me. I rest my head on her shoulder for a little while, the calming breeze drying my eyes a bit. Eventually we head back inside. I go to check on the girls who I left with my mom. She's been so helpful taking care of them with all the chaos going on.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sweetie. How was your first big meeting?"

"We have an effective plan in place. It's looking like it might actually work and we can finally put this thing to rest after all."

"That's great news. I'm so proud of you for taking on all of this, honey." My mother smiles at me.

"Thanks, Mom." She's got Amy bouncing on her lap at the moment, Lina is on the floor playing with some toy blocks. Of course she has her stuffy nearby. I take a seat next to her and gently feel through her pretty little curly hairs. "Hey babygirl." My little Lina pays me no mind. She's so focused on her blocks.

"She's so smart. Did you know she knows her colors so well already? I've never seen such a smart baby in my life."

"Really? Is that so? I would think she would know her colors. She's obsessed with anything purple."

"Really? That explains why she screamed any time I tried to touch her bear." My mom laughs.

"Oh yeah she loves that thing already. Hey Lina, show me yellow." I tell her, trying to test out what my mother says and just as I do, she grabs a yellow block and holds it up to me. I take it and smile wide, proud of my baby girl.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα