Chapter 15

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"Missing? Ross, what the fuck do you mean my sister and daughter are missing?" I try to keep my voice down cause lord knows who's listening.

"I left the room and as soon as I came back Jru and Lina were gone...the balcony doors were open...when I rushed to see if anyone was around, there wasn't a trace...the two of them just vanished...and poor little Amy probably saw what happened...I could tell there was a struggle but it didn't last long. I wish I would've been able to hear what happened, maybe then I would've been able to stop it."

"She's been kidnapped...probably by someone working for Liam. We'll get her back," Elijah looks to the both of us.

"This is the worst time for this to happen. She's supposed to be taking it pretty easy and now she's been taken..." I sigh.

"I'm so worried about her...I should've been more careful..." Ross tears up in frustration.

"Don't blame yourself for this, Ross...come here." I hug him, feeling bad for snapping when he first said they were gone.

"We have to go to Micah's..." Elijah says, "Liam has a hold on that pack being that he was related to the previous alphas...they're probably afraid to defy him like Micah's predecessors."

"I agree." I let Ross go and turn to him. "We have to secure Micah's leadership or else that pack will be lost."

"I agree...let's go before Liam executes whatever plan he has."

"Okay. Come on, I'll call Micah." Elijah gets out his phone, calling him to warn him we're coming. We start walking towards Micah's pack. The two of them talk for a few minute then hang up. Once we arrive, I knock on the front door. Some of the wolves on the grounds are looking at us. I look at Elijah,
"Something feels way off..."

"I know, I can sense it too." He rubs my back gently, trying to soothe my worry.

Soon enough someone opens the sounds like someone is yelling, there are plenty of people gathered around and Liam is standing on a table, preaching something to the people...holding Lina in his arms.

"What the fuck..." I say under my breath, I'm ready to kill the motherfucker.

"The royal daughter, Angelina Rune is of Browar blood! She is the child of your fallen alpha, Darius- my nephew! The king lied to him and all of you! This infant child has been hidden because of the kings shame- because she looks like Darius! And because they have lied and cheated us out of being apart of the Royal Pack, I will be taking Lina in, becoming her guardian since they can't even protect their queen, why would they want to protect the heir, Darius' child?!" He motions to someone who pulls Jru forward for everyone to see. She's trying to fight the guy holding her. Micah is nowhere to be found.  I can't just let this slide. That is my daughter and my sister, the fucking queen for Christ sake. Ross and I are both ready to tear his throat out but I say something before Ross gets the chance.

"Liam! What the hell do you think you're doing?! This is treason!"  I finally emerge from the crowd and approach Liam.

"Is it? Or is it treason that you lied to the entire kingdom and had my nephew killed?!"

"I didn't lie! What proof do you have that I lied?! He attempted murder on my sister which is why he was punished in such a way, you know that!"

"The original paternity test you took when you ran away from Darius, the very same day he died!" Liam holds up a sheet of paper in his hand, my eyes widen in shock. How the hell did he get that?

"There is no proof that the document is real! Who's to say that you didn't fabricate it?!" I'm able to still collect myself and defend my character somehow even though internally I'm boiling with rage.

"This is the original documentation signed by your own physician! You lied!"

"You could've forged that! I'm done with your bullshit Liam! Give me my daughter and sister while I'm still set on keeping you alive! Keep fucking pushing me and that will change real god damn quick!" I'm definitely overheating with all the fury burning inside me...I don't even notice my eyes beginning to glow red, a change from their original blue, claws and fangs begin to show.

"Josi..." Elijah touches my shoulder as I'm breathing heavily, instinctually wanting to rip Liam apart, hearing Elijah's voice snaps me out of my rage then I notice everyone staring at me. Liam jumps down and approaches me slowly with baby Lina in his arms.

"Fine....but I will find a way to combat this." He looks to the person holding onto Jru and gives him a nod to let her go. He then releases her and she rushes to me.

"And Lina," I say to him, watching my daughter. She's extremely fussy. He hesitates for a moment before giving Lina to me.

"Hi sweet pea...that must've been scary, huh?" I coo at her. She could probably feel the fear I'm feeling so I quickly calm myself with her in my arms. "Okay, let's go home..." I nod to Elijah, Ross and my sister. Elijah nods, turning to leave but not before looking at Liam.

"We'll be back with a warrant." He tells him, eyes glowing that stunning honey gold, a subtle rumble in his voice. He meant business. 

"Oh, I'm counting on it." Liam replies. There's something about what he says that doesn't feel right...I can't quite put my finger on it though. The people have seen a new side of me I've never even seen in myself...a side to fear. As we walk out, I talk to Brel.

Brel...what the hell was that?

It was an instinct...anger took over. It's Lina and our sister. We were melding into one for a moment, partially you, partially me. It was like mid shift.

That's never happened before...that's so strange.

I know but being of royal blood, it may be more possible than you think.

"You okay, Jru?"

"Yeah...they didn't hurt me...what was Liam talking about back there?" Ross holds her close, kissing her head a few times.

"That man has a vendetta against me...against our family. I'm essentially the reason both his brother and son are now dead."

"We'll I'm also partially to blame for his brother's death."

"Neither of you are to blame for other people's actions. Darius's father is dead because he tried to have your mother killed. Darius is dead because he attempted to kill you, Jrusilla. So don't blame yourselves. You didn't kill them yourselves so it's not your fault they're dead." Elijah touches our shoulders to reassure us.

"Thank you Elijah..." Jru says as she and I both smile at him.

"You always know the right thing to say." I tell him. He then smirks.

"I know." He then kisses my head. We head back home. Once there I can't help but coo at Lina, making sure she's okay, not emotionally scarred even though she seems just fine now that she's home.

"She's okay, Josi. Don't worry."

"I know...I just...I'm so scared of what will happen when she's not with us..."

"We'll do better with our security detail."

"No...I'm done hiding Elijah. It's time to really fight back. I'm tired."

"Then what do we do?"

"We make good on our promise. Write up that warrant and put Liam in prison."

" you wish. Let's end this." Elijah nods and touches my shoulder. I nod in agreement. He then heads off to sign a warrant for his arrest. I want to do this publicly since he wanted to embarrass me and make accusations he knows nothing about. Elijah's name is on both girls birth certificates and that's all that matters. That paternity test means nothing to us because Elijah is their dad, biological or not. Nothing Liam says or does will change that from being true. We have to stop this before my family really gets hurt and I will not let that happen again.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now