Chapter 8

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There has been a few days of silence. Elijah's brother woke up only yesterday. He's quiet. He wouldn't talk to anyone but Elijah and I when he first woke up. Even then he didn't say much. I've tried coaxing him to get out of bed and explore the grounds a bit but he's been reluctant to move. Since the surgery he's been quiet, cautious almost.

"Morning Rowan. Care to join us for breakfast?"

"Not really hungry..."

"You have to eat. You can't stay in here forever." I tell him.

"He's right, you can't keep punishing yourself."

"I'm not punishing myself...I don't trust the people here...I only trust you two. The walls have ears. You just can't see them."

"What are you talking about...?" Elijah has a serious expression on his face.

"Someone listens to you both even when you can't see them."

"A spy...Rowan, do you know anything??"

"I heard someone sneaking around the last few nights when everyone was asleep...he may be your spy."

"Elijah, round up the warriors, they have a task to do tonight." Elijah nods to me. Someone is working for Liam...they have to be...and they're inside these walls. He turns to round up his team. "I have to get the girls...I can't leave them in anyone's hands...even if I trust them with my life..." I frown at the thought. I knew it couldn't be Ross or Jru...but I have to question everyone I know...anyone I've been close with. I head upstairs, my mother is watching over them at the moment, holding Lina and Amy in her arms. They're both snuggling up to her. She's been extremely helpful with the babies...I suppose she is trying to make up for lost time, both for me and for herself. She didn't get us at this stage. She didn't get to nurse us, to hold our tiny selves in her arms, to sing the song of her mother and her grandmother before her to soothe us to sleep, to watch the little twitches in our faces as we dream...she missed out on all of that because she thought it would keep us safe. I can only give her back a version of that time with my own babies. She has enjoyed every moment with her grand babies, I can't help but smile at the scene.
"Hey mom, how are they?"

"Sleeping soundly...Are you getting enough rest dear?"

"With your help, yeah. You're so good with them."

"I can only dream of what it would've been like to hold you in my arms like this...there's no greater feeling in the world. They are little sleeping angels..." she smiles before looking at Lina. "I have to ask you something...I don't want you to get upset with me but I can feel and see things some other's can't...she...she's his isn't she?" She whispers the question, knowing others could be listening at any moment. Being this is my mother, I know I can't lie to her. Even in the short time we've known each other, I feel like she's been here my whole life. I nod slowly. The corners of my eyes stinging with tears.

"It's the truth...I don't like that I have to hide it but Elijah absolutely loves her...he adores his daughters. I can't help but give him that...he knows it and still supports me knowing the truth...he loves Lina with all his heart..."

"I'm glad to hear that...but how long can you keep this in?"

"Someone told Liam...we're trying to find out who's working for him."

"oh Josi...I'm so sorry this happened to you. You and Elijah deserve peace of mind after all you've been through."

"Thank you mom...I guess when it's me, it'll never be that simple." She sighs.

"It's not fair...because of me you're started with me..."

"You didn't make Darius do what he did...or be the way he was. That is not your fault."

"But I knew what he would become and I left were kidnapped by the same traders I was...they were still looking for me all these years...they knew I was still alive because they came to the pack looking to kidnap you and your sister and raise you for breeding...I killed the men they sent, that's how they knew it was me...before I was a breeding slave, I was a bodyguard for an Alpha in the south...I bent to his every will...I may have imprinted on him but he found his own mate...even though he would fuck around with many women anyways...she would join sometimes but he never wanted me in that way...treated me like some whore...which is basically what I became...I was modest, loyal...then I was kidnapped and never able to return. For years I wished he would come after me, take me back home but that never happened...I was sold off to many different men and women...used and tossed was fun for them to watch me get passed around between their fellow alphas...eventually you make yourself tune it out...go off to some far away place until it's over...that was until I met your father. He was gentle and patient with me...the first time we tried, I literally cried because I never had anyone be so gentle and loving with me. He looked so sad when he wiped away my tears because my wolf shared my memories with him...he could feel the pain I felt...I never experienced a bond such as that. It was like my whole world shifted into the place it was always meant to be. It felt like I was dying when I left you and your father...when I came back,I saw you and your sister again, it was like the shattered pieces of my heart melted back together. The moment I saw your father, I had to kiss him...I had to let him know I still love him. A day hasn't gone by when I didn't think of you all. I was so empty without the three of you..." she quickly wipes her eye. "I regret it...leaving you- I regret it every day..." she takes in a shaky breath. "Sorry..."

"Don't...don't apologize mom...I love you, so much. It's because of you that we're a family again- that I'm even alive right now, that you're even holding my daughters. I'm so grateful for you. Nothing would be okay if you didn't come home." I wipe her tears. "We love you...everyone of us loves you."she started to sob a little.

"I love you Josi..."

"I know mom..." I hug her and kiss her on her head.

-Later that night-

Elijah and I stay in together with the babies all day. We keep a close eye on them the whole time. We take some naps in between and Elijah leaves sometimes to talk to his soldiers. It was only a matter of time before nightfall and when it did come, Elijah and I went about our night as usual. He and I got ready for bed. Now the two of us are climbing into bed, snuggled up but we are worried...waiting for something to go wrong tonight but...nothing. Nothing happens.

"Do you think they know what we're trying to do so they won't show up?"

"It's possible they caught on. It wasn't very subtle- us hunkering down like this."

"I suppose you're right...should we just call it a night and send everyone home? Just keep a couple guards by the door?"

"Yeah, that should be fine." Elijah nods, kissing my head. "The three of you will be safe tonight..."

"What do you mean the three of us? You're not staying?"

"I'm gonna watch the door. I wanna see the sneaking bastard with my own two eyes."

"I understand why you'd want to do that but...I thought we would be in this together..."

"We are. Just watch the girls, I'll watch you." He smiles. I sigh, just seeing that smile of his makes me feel better. I finally nod in agreement, knowing my husband will protect us through anything. I decide to take his word for it and get some rest, holding the girls close. They cling to me for warmth and comfort. It doesn't take long for me to fall deep into sleep. Before I know it, I'm being woken up by a loud noise, banging and crashing. I open my eyes only to see Elijah putting someone into a tight headlock. "That's right...go to sleep." Elijah whispers to him with gritted teeth. He holds his arm there tightly around his neck before the person passes out. I carefully sit up with the girls and look to see who's face it is. My heart sinks once I see who it is...the one person I thought I could count on outside of my family.

"No....not you..."

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now