Chapter 5

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After the two of us have settled down, Elijah and I tend to our babies, feeding and burping them, then giving them a nice warm bath before laying down with them on our chests til they fall back asleep.
"I don't want them to get old...I want them to stay this tiny forever...." I say, playing with Amy's little white strands of hair.

" too...I don't want them to grow up...they're so precious like this..." he says, looking down at Lina.

"I wanna ask you did you accept the fact that you weren't the only one who impregnated me..?"

"Well...once Darius was buried, it was a lot easier to get over's kind of a fucked up thing to say being that I'm holding his daughter on my chest and I'm the one who delivered the final blow and ended his life...if he was still here, I don't really know where my mind would be right now..."

"I guess I understand that...I'm just happy she has you to learn from instead of a clinical psychopath who probably would've ended up killing us all at some's sad to say because he could've got help...maybe if he did before my birthday, we wouldn't even be having this conversation..."

"Maybe...but that's a lot of what if's and look at what we have now..." he gently stroke's Lina's cheek with his finger. "She is my daughter whether I created her or not...this is my sweet baby girl, Lina...and I will stand by that til the day I die."

"I love you so much..." I say to him softly, a tear falling from my eye  as I say those words. How did I get so unbelievably lucky? He's...way too understanding about what happened. I honestly don't deserve him.

"I love you more than you could even think possible, my me." He wipes my eyes and smiles. "Stop punishing yourself for something you had no control happened and now you have to let it go. I know that's why you still get nightmares." I let out a trembling sigh.

"I feel like it's only a matter of time before Lina's been found out and I'm so scared of what will happen..."

"She's the princess, nothing will happen. Like you said they'll grow up with a security detail so that they'll always be safe."

"I don't want them to feel like they have to be extremely sheltered but...I also feel like they need to just to be safe...this is so much harder than it has to be..."

"We will figure it out together...I want security for you too. You've been kidnapped before and they could take the babies too if caught again...I've been hunting down the the breeding traders...they're still out there and I'm going to find a way to stop them completely. There are too many of the children in this country missing from our packs...the ages astound me...and the traders are getting smarter. They've been masking their scents so that they're untraceable. I've been doing a lot of research."

"That's so amazing that you're doing that Eli...nobody deserves what those girls and I went through...oh! My mother hasn't even heard from them...are they still with that family?"

"I'll look into it. The eldest sister may be mated now, so who knows if she's still in the same pack or not."

"Okay...if you can find them, please invite them here for me."

"I will. For now, we have a date to get to~."

"Alright, I'll let my sister know." I grab my phone and start texting her that we're ready for our date. Soon enough she's running up here with Ross close behind.

"Gimme a baby." She walks in, open arms. I had Amy to her and Ross takes Lina.

"Take care of our girls you hear me?"

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now