Chapter 14

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After some much needed rest, the two of us get up from our nap.
"Feeling better?" Elijah asks. I smile and stretch.

"Much better~" I then give him a quick peck on the lips. "Should we go on an actual walk now that we're rested?"

"Yes, of course." We then get up and get undressed so we can shift and head out to the woods. It's been such a long time since I've been on a run or even had Brel come out.

Ahhh, It feels so good to have the mud between my paws again.

I know, I'm sorry for not letting you out sooner.

It's been too long. This was much needed. We needed to strengthen our bond especially with us getting knocked up yet again.

We...don't know that for sure.

No, but it definitely feels like it. The fatigue, nausea, mood swings, bloating, not to mention cravings. All signs we had last time.

I wasn't conscious for that.

Well I was. I dealt with everything while you were suppressed.

I wish I was present...then I would've at least known before I woke up with Darius... a chill runs down my spine just remembering it.

"What's going on in that head of yours? I can sense you're feeling unsettled."

"Just thinking about...the current situations were faced with, how they relate to the past..."

"You know you can talk to me about it, right?"

"Yes my love, I probably came back, didn't she?"

"Yeah, she probably knew we were sleeping and let us be. It's been a while since we relaxed but we should probably go back sooner rather than later. You'll probably want to eat something soon I'm guessing."

"You're probably right. I'll have to drink a little fluids to take that pregnancy test too, huh?"

"Yeah. That's a good idea. We'll stop by the waterfall in the woods. Follow me." Elijah leads me deeper into the forest. It's been warmer so the mud is drier. Summer is coming so it's nice enough for a swim maybe. Once we reach the small waterfall and pool which somehow never stops flowing unless it's winter and the pool somehow never overflows unless there's a storm, the two of us drink from the small body of water, lapping at the water with our tongues. Once I've got my fill of water, I look up to Elijah who's dark chocolate coat is shimmering in the sunlight and golden eyes practically glowing with the sun reflecting through them. So handsome...even like this. I walk over to him, gently grooming him as he drinks to show my love and admiration.
"Hm? What's this for?" He looks to me.

"You're just so perfect, I had to come over and show my love to you." I'm so glad we're in tune with our wolves. Brel and Idirus are madly in love with each other as much as Elijah and I are with each other. We are one in the same. Idirus is basically purring as Brel showers him with loving rubs and kisses.

"If anyone is perfect, it's you my beloved mate."

"You flatter me love." Once he finishes drinking he gives me a few kisses back.

"Come, let's get to walking." I begin to walk with him back towards the house. From outside you can see my parents on the balcony. Dad has his arms wrapped around her from behind. It looks like they can see us from here too. Mom points to us, probably telling him that we're finally back and he looks, then he waves to us.  The two of us head inside, going back to get our clothes, shifting back into our human forms. Our parents come down to greet us. "Welcome back you two. I'm glad you're both well rested and getting the alone time you need during such tiring times." My mom says, slipping me the pregnancy test.

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