Chapter 19

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Days go by as Elijah is healing, I've set a date for my first therapy session. We have yet to hear word on Micah still...things have been quiet. We've sent scouts to see if he and his family escaped Liam or they might still be stuck in his custody we are hopeful he's okay. It's also been a growing struggle to hide my new pregnancy every day with all the nausea and headaches and of course the bloating, cravings even. Something I didn't have before was Elijah to cuddle when I cried like a baby over absolutely nothing like dropping a chip on the floor. I did it the other day and started sobbing like the world was ending. It's absolutely atrocious how I can't handle these hormones, especially with Elijah there to comfort me and hold my hand this time and then there's the fact that my sex drive is through the roof. I've been trying to jump on Elijah every chance I get but with him recovering I can't exactly go for 3 rounds with him not tiring out. He still tries to keep up anyways. I'm gonna tell Jru today about the baby. She'll find out before I even start showing so I might as well tell her. She'll have to keep it a secret no matter what though. I'm meeting her in the garden, she's obviously skeptical. I can see it in the face she's making as she's walking over to meet me while I'm sitting on the bench, hands folded in front of my stomach and resting on my lap.
"Josilus...what in the world did you drag me to this garden for?"

"I have something I need to tell you. I'll let you tell Ross because I know you can't keep anything from him." I tell her quietly as some of the pack members are near by, just under hearing distance.

"Ookay..." she sits next to me. "So what's going on?" I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Well...looks like you won't have to go through pregnancy alone this time after all...I'm pregnant again." She blinks at me in disbelief.

"I-...I'm sorry, did I hear that correctly? You're pregnant? Again?!" She tries to keep her voice down.

"Yeah....yeah you heard's untimely, for sure but what am I to do about it? I wanted more babies just....not this fast."

"Did you guys even try to use condoms?" My sister sighs at me.

"We did! We had a couple...heat of the moment just happened. We didn't plan it. We were drunk one of the nights it happened so our thoughts weren't really focused on condoms...more on taking each other's clothes off and yaknow...making love to each other."

"Ugh...Jesus. Well, I guess I'm a little happy you get to suffer with me for a while." She says, cringing at the thought of us getting naked and making love.

"There is a bright side I suppose. The girls are nearly 1 year old, I have Elijah to help me through this, beginning to end this time. I'm praying I won't have to be on bed rest again. I want this to be a happy pregnancy, not one to suffer through like before."

"Well there's one thing I want to see out of this."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I look at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"I want at least one nephew. Just one!" I start to laugh.

"Well it's too early to tell if I'm even having more than one at this rate but once we find out you'll be the first to know okay, sis?" I snicker and pinch one of her cheeks.

"Ow, ow, let go!" I let go and stop teasing her.

"Alright, should we head back?"

"Yeah, come on. Does dad know about this yet?"

"I haven't told him but I'm assuming mom might have- given that the woman picked up her own pregnancy test when she went to get one for myself."

"Ew, what?" My sister turns to me with an expression of pure disgust.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now